About Us
We've spent the better part of 2 decades establishing itself as the 'go-to' online source for skydiving information. In the early years we realized that we wanted to provide users with the ultimate, all-round source for skydiving information, whether that information be in depth safety articles or what was then to become the largest online database for dropzones around the world.
The dropzone forums remain the largest dedicated online skydiving forum with millions of posts and over 150 000 registered users. The forums are an excellent source of information and with threads being moderated by some of the best skydivers out there, you can be sure that the content is going to be of high standard. Our forum is separated into several sections, allowing us to present to you, the easiest possible way to find the information you're looking for.
You can check out out Privay Policy here for more information.
About our writers
Our initial content model was heavily based on user provided articles, though thankfully we were blessed to have some of the world's best skydivers as part of our community and over the years they provided us with dozens of high quality pieces of content. In more recent years we began to source our content through dedicated writers whom we were working with. Below is a list of some of the authors that we have written for us.
Anette O'Neil
Annette O'Neil is a copywriter, travel journalist and commercial producer who sometimes pretends to live in Salt Lake City. When she's not messing around with her prodigious nylon collection, she's hurtling through the canyons on her Ninja, flopping around on a yoga mat or baking vegan cupcakes.
Paul Quade
Paul has served both as a writer and a moderator for dropzone.com - he is a certified flight instructor and was the camera flyer for the open class 4-way team, Perris Lightwave.