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  1. Yes, they will. My one and only major injury was from a stall at about 35 feet due, as far as I can tell, to turbulence around the buildings surrounding the landing area for the demo I was doing at the Oakland Army Terminal. I was flying a StratoStar and was on approach when I reached down to drop the smoke bracket. When I looked up I was at eyeball level with the low voltage lines and must have gone beyond half brakes too high. Dropped like a stone and broke my right foot in seven places including putting the navicular onto the other side of the foot, under the skin. Nine days in Letterman Army Hospital and several months of a cast to my knee. Not fun. But I did go back to jumping the Strat because it had been the best canopy I had ever had. If you know how many guns you have - you don't have enough!
  2. For those who don't already know, Perry D. Stevens, D-51, passed this morning at 8:44 a.m., after a long battle with cancer. He was 84. Perry is the creator of the RSL and has saved many lives. He never patented his invention, preferring instead to let it be free to the world. Perry also owned Stevens Paraloft in Oakland for many years and Antioch Paracenter until he sold it and retired. He is one of the pioneers of the sport and will be sadly missed by those of us who knew him. I posted this here because he IS part of skydiving history. Anyone who sees fit is welcome to move it to other forums as you see fit. Rest in peace, Perry. If you know how many guns you have - you don't have enough!
  3. Thanks. I appreciate the information. I think I vaguely remember hearing something about this. Jim If you know how many guns you have - you don't have enough!
  4. At the risk of showing my ignorance (I was away from the sport for 32 years until 4 years ago, would someone please explain to me what the Skyride deal is and what problems have been had from them? I read the "sticky" and it didn't really explain anything. Thanks in advance. Jim If you know how many guns you have - you don't have enough!
  5. Doc, if you can contact Martha Hamel on Facebook (or have someone do it for you) she can probably give you his address since he was at the reunion in October. Jim If you know how many guns you have - you don't have enough!
  6. They usually make the pic available but I haven't seen anything anywhere. Might check with Martha. If you know how many guns you have - you don't have enough!
  7. Went back and looked in my logbook. I flew, etc., 2592G, not the one in the photo. If you know how many guns you have - you don't have enough!
  8. Well said, Doc. It was nice to be able to put a face with a name. Thoroughly enjoyed meeting Chief. As you know, I'm a Shepherd nut. :-) It was a fun day except for trying to get the photo. Trying to get a bunch of skydivers to do something is like herding cats. Hope to see you again. If you know how many guns you have - you don't have enough!
  9. Tapewells and a blast handle, what more could one ask for? :-) If you know how many guns you have - you don't have enough!
  10. In the last photo I think the one third from left is Debbie Willett. The one with the helmet MAY be Martha Hamel but I can't see enough of the face to be sure. The two on the ends I don't know at all. I have jumped, flown and wrecked that 182. Also took out the 206 at the same time. Not good. If you know how many guns you have - you don't have enough!
  11. I just sent Martha a request for her email address. As soon as I get it I'll send it to you here. If, for some reason you don't get up with her, just show up. That's what I did the first time four years ago. You ought to get on Facebook, if for no other reason than to get the info and updates on the gathering. I hope you are able to bring the plus one. I'm looking forward to seeing her. If you know how many guns you have - you don't have enough!
  12. For those not already aware, there is a reunion of Northern California skydivers at the Italian Society grounds in Jackson, CA on Saturday October 7, 2016. This event is held every two years and is a good time to meet old friends. Martha Hamel is the main organizer and she can be contacted on Facebook for more details. There will be food, a silent auction, music and bullshit stories galore. Plan to attend and tell your friends. Hope to see you there. If you know how many guns you have - you don't have enough!
  13. If anyone here has jumped in Northern California, there is a reunion of Nor Cal Skydivers at the Italian Society grounds in Jackson, CA on October 7, 2016. Martha Hamel is the main organizer and she can be contacted on Facebook. Cost is $35. If you plan to come, contact her as soon as possible so she can get an accurate count. There will be food, fun, bullshit stories and a silent auction. It's fun so come on up. If you know how many guns you have - you don't have enough!
  14. Another thing to keep in mind in regard to Red Rock is the altitude of the DZ. As I remember, you can check this on a sectional or online, it is over 3000'. This may affect the way you land. Just something to keep in mind. If you know how many guns you have - you don't have enough!
  15. NO! That is a sure way to hurt them. They are not familiar with the characteristics of a square and more than likely will not be ready for the landing. I see lawsuit written all over that scenario. Yeah, yeah, waivers, etc. blah, blah, blah. I'm sure you are aware that waivers are only good as toilet paper. If you know how many guns you have - you don't have enough!