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  1. Yes I looked and it said a 415 cubic inch reserve and a 475 main I have been trying to find the pack volume of the Optimum 176 with either the PD pulse 190 or the spectre 190. The last owner told me he put in a spectre 190 but that was with a 150 Tempo reserve so I’m hoping with that size main I can still fit a 176 Opt in there.
  2. Do you know anything about the Spectre 190? I was told by the past owner that’s the canopy he was able to stick in this container so I feel like if I got a Spectre 190 with the Opt 176 I shouldn’t have any issues plus from the sounds of it the Spectre is a lot more fun to ride then again I haven’t tried either I’m just going off what I have been reading. Thanks again.
  3. That’s great, I was thinking of doing the Demo’s for these parachutes but I’m up in Canada and no companies allow demos up north so I wanted to see how much lower volume those canopies actually packed. If they are truly a size down then I don’t think I’ll have a problem getting them both in my container I just don’t want to over do it and have it cause safety issues if I have any malfunctions. Do you find your reserve or main to be too tight at all when packed or was it an easy fit? Thank you for your comment.
  4. Hello everyone, I just bought an older container from 99’ it’s a Talon 2 T5 and I’m looking for a main/reserve that I can pack into it comfortably without problems. My question is does anyone know what the pack volume of a PD Optimum 176 reserve is and a PD Pulse 190 main? I really am trying to find a LPV main/Reserve that I can buy that will fit in my rig and talking with the old owner of the rig he told me that he packed in a 190 7-cell main into the container and I’m wondering if I can put in a PD Pulse 190 main in the same container. The webpage says it packs like one size down and so does the PD Optimum so theoretically I could put in both and it should work fine but I was hoping there would be some pack volumes somewhere about these canopies. Any information would be great, thank you in advance.