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Anyone making and selling creepers?

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I'm looking to buy some creepers for my home dz. I searched the archives but the leads I found (ultimatecreepers.com and skycat.com) no longer work.

Anyone know of a company or individual still making and selling quality creepers? Looking to purchase eight of them. Shipping would be to Portland, Oregon.


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It's easy enough to make them yourself, as they're basically just a piece of wood with castors underneath and some padded, comfortable surface on top (

Choosing good castors with sealed bearings and firm wheels is the key to smooth, fast rolling. The top surface can be a sheet of thick rubber or urethane etc, or you can go upmarket with high density foam and then a cloth cover.

With more wind tunnels around and more teams training in them, using creeepers for 4 way RW training has sort of died out (mine's been under my bed for a decade). At my DZ, creepers are now mostly just used for training students or sometimes engineering 8+ ways.

Edited by sunnyape
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