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  • Main Canopy Size
  • Main Canopy Other
    Crossfire 114
  • Reserve Canopy Size
  • Reserve Canopy Other
    PDR 113

Jump Profile

  • Home DZ
    Skydive San Marcos/ Skydive Spaceland
  • License
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  • Number of Jumps
  • Years in Sport
  • First Choice Discipline
    Freefall Photography
  • First Choice Discipline Jump Total
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  1. Does anyone have a link to Airspeed doing the 57 @ the 2020 4-way FS Skydiving International Championships ?
  2. I have 3 creepers that I am looking to sell in the Austin area. If you are interested in them, let me know. I am not looking to ship them. They are in great shape. They are for sell in the classifieds.
  3. I have an Epson Stylus Photo 2200 That I don't use anymore. It will print up to 13x19. I have quite a bit of 8.5 x 11 and 13 x 19 paper to go with it. Probably even have some ink cartridges too. I will sell it to you for $200 plus shipping. It does great for prints. Haven't had the need to use it sense I stopped jumping. Here's the linfo https://www.amazon.com/Epson-Stylus-Photo-Printer-C11C387011/dp/B000067V0A/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1477931985&sr=8-1&keywords=epson+stylus+photo+2200 from Amazon.
  4. I have 3 cutaways and reserve rides on double pillows. You pull a pillow for the cutaway, which in my opinion is a harder pull. So why not double pillows?
  5. Has anybody had experience with this? Don't the spcetra lines stretch more allowing for the canopy to get out of trim easier?
  6. http://shine.yahoo.com/love-sex/bride-and-groom-s-sky-high-leap-as-married-couple-174213635.html Nice to get some good publicity.
  7. I have two of Pelican 1620s. One for gear and one for camera stuff. My wife has one for gear. They come with a lifetime warranty. They also double as something to sit on. http://pelican.com/cases_detail.php?Case=1620 http://www.bhphotovideo.com/c/product/179087-REG/Pelican_1620_020_110_1620_Case_with_Foam.html
  8. Baffles to flight chamber were starting to be assembled yesterday when I drove by.
  9. Does anyone have this?
  10. I saw a couple of slabs were poured yesterday when I drove by.
  11. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Adrenaline+Rush%3A+The+Science+of+Risk
  12. http://1saleaday.com/ Canon EOS Rebel T3 12.2MP Digital Camera w/ 2.7" Screen, 720p HD Video & 18-55mm IS Autofocus Lens! If anyone is needing a camera.
  13. I was able to get a new computer with my Chase Sapphire points. Also paid for a flight when the family took vacation. We use it for just about everything and pay it off at the end of the month. It's nice to have the rewards online store.