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  1. First of all, this is interference in someone else's product, on which people's lives depend. The manufacturer of the reserve will not assume safety guarantees for such a product, just as we cannot. The exception is for the main tandems, when it is impossible to prevent hard openings by other means. Are no good reason to interfere with reserves, as Rob wrote above. Old: New:
  2. This is in the discussion about RDS: We use unified buckles for removable and non-removable sliders.
  3. HD-grommets are already comparable in weight to buckles. We have long switched to buckles for all uses, removable and non-removable, including tandems. And we do not see any use for grommets, except for reserves.
  4. PD are not looking for easy ways. It is enough to use monolithic stainless steel buckles that absorb heat well - instead of thin-walled grommets. This solves not only the heating problem, but also the lineset resource, the slider resource, and the opportunity to get more productivity from the slider for better openings. Initially, grommets were used for slider rings because they were cheap, easy to install and did not carry a heavy load. This is not the case now. Grommets that serve well on tandems are expensive (like Rutgerson), and require a powerful press to install.
  5. Some orders turn out to be redundant...
  6. HD opening (research test) from AN-26 at 300+ km/h. Nobody was hurt )
  7. We make a voluminous pockets for a speed skydiving, some heavy duty tandems and other, but we do not use grommets. Due to the high tensile force.
  8. The loop is only one problem. There are other problems that are no less important: 1. The energy of the PC should be maximum. To do this, the PC hat must be heavy and/or the upper coils of the spring are larger. 2. The freebag path should not limit overlapping parts, including corners. 3. But at the same time, the geometric shape of the container must remain stable during operation, especially the loop axis. 4. The density near the spring should not change after packing, so that the position of the parts does not change. Ideally, the spring should not stand on reserve fabrics. etc.
  9. Square reserves are reliable enough, but only when there are no triggers and retarders between freebag and PC. I had a Rogallo-type (like Para-dactyle) reserve, and I didn't have complete confidence in him. Firstly, because of the large internal air volume. Secondly, because of the deployment and slowing down system.
  10. Even I have the porosity-machine and I can compare the fabric with the reference piece, it's not a problem. The methodology and additional criteria for their assessment are more interesting (the suitability of the reserve as a whole, not only the permeability at some individual points).
  11. Interesting. Is it possible to get a report on what criteria it was determined by, as for a technical inspection of the system by a rigger?
  12. MARD is loved by the manufacturers of rigs. Because many dropzones began to require RSL for certain categories of parachutists in order to reduce the human factor of fatality. But manufacturers of rigs do not like RSL, because many in recent years have noticed delays in freebag's extract on some sizes and in some flight poses. Semi-exposed PC too. And RSL does not allow us to attribute such a delay to the human factor. MARD is an "RSL without risking the reputation of the manufacturer"... The number of possible reserve deployments where the delay can manifest itself is getting less by MARD etc ))
  13. The speed is too low for AAD, but sufficient for normal PC operation. For comparison, my cutaway in research tests with similar conditions (a small ellipse, a carousel, entering a reserve at the time of unlocking 3 rings).Without any MARDs, RSL etc.
  14. Waiting for the report..
  15. Yes, but this trigger steals some piece of energy of the PC, if deployment were without cutaway. We recently had a fatal case with suspected involvement of MARD.. The simpler the better, IMHO.