Diablo Converter 3
This helmet has been thought and created for professional Videomen.
Built with three flat sections where are installed three TM Zkulls systems allows you a multitude of Photo-Video different connections, succeeding to satisfy any kind of Videomen requirement.
The Top Mount Platform is very wide and it permits to connect any kind of video or still solution even those devices with bigger dimensions.
With the Diablo Converter you can perform your professional job of Videomen without any kind of limitation.
All the flat parts of Diablo are reinforced and they permit to support heavy loads.
Above all that DIABLO CONVERTER 3 gives you the possibility to mount the new Photo-Video Top Bracket where with the addition of one TM Zkulls you can connect your still camera in the front of the helmet so you gain a 4 video zones configuration where connect and disconnect all your video and still devices at your pleasure.
Built with three flat sections where are installed three TM Zkulls systems allows you a multitude of Photo-Video different connections, succeeding to satisfy any kind of Videomen requirement.
The Top Mount Platform is very wide and it permits to connect any kind of video or still solution even those devices with bigger dimensions.
With the Diablo Converter you can perform your professional job of Videomen without any kind of limitation.
All the flat parts of Diablo are reinforced and they permit to support heavy loads.
Above all that DIABLO CONVERTER 3 gives you the possibility to mount the new Photo-Video Top Bracket where with the addition of one TM Zkulls you can connect your still camera in the front of the helmet so you gain a 4 video zones configuration where connect and disconnect all your video and still devices at your pleasure.