I was just researching this crash as I wasn't sure of the date
The crash Edy was on went tail first.and strange how there is a record of a third...it was the C-182 as the Platus Porter we used wasn't avaiable for Lido.
I also had a bad crash there resulting from down sizing and 3 months off..It was this crashed involving Edy and the oother Indonesian Officers which resulted in me getting out of the sport till recently.Going to Perris in Feb for 2 weeks.
I think there is the only one crash and going to touch bases with some military peole in those parts.I lived in Asia for 14 years.
Pic is of all the Indonesians that perished...my AFF course in Feb.2000
Sad for sure
Steve Austin SOS 2656
Skydive Jakarta Eddie & Crew.pdf
Skydive Jakarta Cert.pdf