David Wang

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David Wang last won the day on December 6 2020

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  1. I agree with this, and it's not like people have much of a choice. Sure, some people might be able to move out of the country or to another state, but that portion has to be really small. Btw, resistance at the state level has started https://www.nytimes.com/2024/11/07/us/newsom-trump-california.html
  2. The stuff about project 2025 has been lingering in my mind. With Republicans controlling pretty much every single aspect of the government, they can push their agenda unopposed. The country survived 2016, but there wasn't a "project 2025" by then. This time they're just going to be smarter and more strategic. I sure hope the country survives it again. I'm not sure what to do except put my faith in the "Checks and Balances", whatever is left (e.g., people realizing how awful their policies actually are, and Dems regaining control of part of the congress in the midterms).
  3. Trump just won Georgia. This is pretty much over. It's like a repeat of 2016.
  4. Welp, I don't think this is going well.
  5. ???? I've enjoyed reading the content here.
  6. Trump just picked J.D. Vance as his running mate. After the assassination attempt on Trump, the narrative of the media changed entirely. Now, with Trump's VP pick, I don't see Biden get replaced anytime soon.
  7. https://www.washingtonpost.com/politics/2024/07/13/2024-election-campaign-updates-biden-trump-rally/#link-6UPU3CDAIBF7LPEGO5FXA7ICPI Video and transcript
  8. Crazy stuff. The country was one inch away from descending into absolute chaos.
  9. I will vote for Biden in a heartbeat if he remains the nominee. I used to be a registered Republican but switched after the election fraud claims and January 6.
  10. David Wang

    Lucky me

    WL wasn't exactly in the path of totality but still had 98-99% of coverage. Photo taken through solar glasses with my phone.
  11. bruh what. I really hope this is fake. What would have happened if they had taken it to trial? There's no way that a jury would find them guilty, right? He is 10 years old!!
  12. https://www.nytimes.com/2023/12/08/us/texas-abortion-court-ken-paxton.html this is just horrendous. I wonder if the AG even considered the fetus’s fatal condition before appealing. Last time I checked he isn’t a doctor. Also, the fact that women need court approvals to seek medical procedures is simply ridiculous.
  13. the shutdown sequence for the booster engines and the stage separation were amazing. We're closer to making sci fi a reality.
  14. Interestingly enough...I successfully performed EPs with a dislocated right shoulder, and I don't remember feeling any pain. I've thought about it. An explanation is adrenaline and I got into a different "mode" when I realized I had a malfunction and needed to act.