Hi all.
I saw all these videos of people doing their level 1, doing gang signs, having a great time.
"Yeah, I will have some of that" I thought.
Completed groundschool, 5 days later, on my first lift, feel the nerves increasing. 14,000ft, the door opens, I literally stumble over heading towards the door, slight hesitation with my exit and when I finally go, my arch is none existent.
The poor instructors are giving me the hand signals, in that moment, may as well have been smoke signals, I knew what they were trying to tell me but my brain was like "Yeah, I see ya... no clue though, sorry"
Did my practice pulls, then lock onto the altimeter... think about going for the pull to deploy but by the time my brain had figured all this out, one of the instructors had deployed for me and up in the air I went :)
So yes, my level 1 happened but was far from the "Disney like experience" I had hoped for, more like a "Carry On".
I feel soo much more confident though having got that out of the way and know what I need to do to correct my mistakes, just feel such a wally but all good fun.
For anyone else who sucked at their level 1 and I hope nobody sucked as bad as me, your are definitely not alone.
Here is the video, hopefully gives a few laughs but most importantly, it helps some other poor soul realise it can always be worse.
AFF level 1
Thanks to all the amazing instructors out there helping keep us noobs safe and help us learn how to be safe.
Blue Skies.