Thanks guys,
countzero: Cheers for the input I have shifted wingsuits across to moving.
SethInMI: I see what you mean, I have placed AFF in training. Can you explain a bit further why Tandem should be under training?
riggerrob: Thanks for the input, its seems as though putting solo may be the wrong word, if its a jump that is required for a license maybe the training name should be used instead like AFF stage 9. But in saying that this isnt a progression chart, need to be conscious of not placing things in progressive order. I guess looking at it, technically some of freefall/freefly/moving/canopy can be performed solo, so its pretty much implicit. Can you please explain why freefly should be broken up into those elements prior to it being considered freefly? My understanding was that anyone of those styles is considered freefly on its own?