Excellent info. I knew the sabre2 was not as aggressive but have been told that it might be a good canopy to learn to swoop on. I am really happy with my mamba and would like to stay with something of similar aggressiveness. I have heard that the katana is very steeply trimmed but that is really all i know about it.
I have also heard that areodyne canopies typical have mushy bottom end flare. As I said before, the canopy I flew before the mamba was a sabre1 190 so really I have nothing to compare it to. I feel like the mamba has a pretty decent bottom.
My eventual goal is to be flying something cross braced in the 104 to 114 range. I am in no hurry to get there but that is the goal. I like how aggressive the mamba is right now. Originally I was hearing that the mamba had crap openings. I was having pretty unpredictable openings for quite awhile but now that I have sorted out having better body position on opening my openings have improved significantly, and are for the most part on heading.