
USPA Licenses in Germany

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What's in Germany for you? I have family there. Been thinking about GTFO from here for a while.
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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There is no such thing as cheap skydiving here in Germany.
(Compared to the US)
As a licensed skydiver 25 Euros is the best I have seen (bigger Dropzone and I had to buy 100 jumps at once to realise this price)
AFF plus german licenze is about 2500 up to 2800 Euros (25 jumps)

IMHO first get a Job, get your life straight and then think again about skydiving here in Germany

To absent friends

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Skydiving in Belgium on the other hand can be super cheap for western European standards, and depending on where you'll be in Germany may be well worth having a look at. Jump prices can go down to 15 euros a jump.
"So I jump out, look up, and think 'Oh SHIT!...

It's PINK!!!'"
- army guy after his first staticline jump

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This is only because of the VAT mark-up. If you are eligible for VAT exemption in Germany (i.e. have the appropriate forms), contact the DZ and ask if they accept them, many do. The price difference will even out in the end.

AFF to license is about $3000 USD. 25-2800 EUR isn't bad in comparison if you get the tax exemption.

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I'm trying to get USPA Licenses A-D in Germany. Does anyone know a cheap place where they offer training? I have decided to move to Germany from the USA. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks.

If you want to get a USPA License there are USPA DZs in Germany that may help you. One of them is http://www.skydive-nuggets.de very far south in Germany. If you actually live in Germany it could be an issue if you only have a USPA license and not the german License, to make sure if that could be an issue you may want to contact the German parachute federation http://www.dfv.aero/Verband/Kontakt.
If it does not cost anything you are the product.

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Hello first good morning I am Deaf. I also want to learn AFF how to go. Somehow I wanted to take some courses. I had experienced as tandem skydiving. It’s time for me to do my own solo skydiving. Hope one of you can assist me to achieve my dream. Please contact me. Thank you.




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On 2/24/2014 at 7:18 PM, prashvv said:

I'm trying to get USPA Licenses A-D in Germany. Does anyone know a cheap place where they offer training? I have decided to move to Germany from the USA. Please let me know your thoughts. Thanks.

Just get your German license as it will be more acceptable most places in Europe.  If you get the German license, or any skydiving license that meets the FAI minimums, it is no problem to get it changed to a USPA license once back here.  If you are going to live and jump in Germany, you probably will be required to get the German license anyway.  I would not go out of my way to get a USPA license until you actually return to the US and need it.  Even if you are just visiting the US, as long as you are a foreign resident you can use your German license in the US.


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