
Listening To Music While Skydiving!

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I honestly have no expreience in the skydiving world for now but i can agree with everyone that listening to music under canopy would probably be the worst thing ever to do because for one it's super quite after pulling on altitude from my personal expreience but while in freefall it's super loud and it's just hard to concentrate, for me at least! Plus i would almost think that it would relax someone alot more on exit but hey what do i know i am still a noobie!


Wanna Hug It Out, Lets Hug It Out..Bitch!

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It's not loud in freefall if you wear a helmet with ear covers, or for even quieter jump a fullface helm. If I do a jump without camera I need to jump either without a helmet or with a pro-tec with earholes, yes that's loud, very loud in comparison. So, go get yourself a decent helmet ;)

You could also consider earplugs, the good ones let you still hear speech while muffling engine and freefall noise.

ciel bleu,

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the good ones let you still hear speech while muffling engine and freefall noise.

That's exactly what the nail does.:D
You can read lips but you can't read engine noise.:P

Hopefully you know I'm just goofing off.
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No problem JT, I know it's all in good fun.
Which is why i am taking up this sport, everyone is super nice and everyone want to just have fun.
It almost like the skydiving community is one big big family & it's one family i would love to be a part of!:PB|;):D


Wanna Hug It Out, Lets Hug It Out..Bitch!

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Yeah I was listening to music for a few jumps there and then did not level out during my hook early enough and needed to Jab out of it. I was so "flowing" with the music and into the groove that the visual of being low did not register. I was lucky.

I think its the same thing you need to do after a crappy skydive. "Ok skydive is over, let me think about the landing, I can think about the skydive on the ground." Clear your mind and focus on the task. Listening to music is the same. You need to realize what it's doing to you and do what is necessary. I will tell you what though, there is nothing as cool as having a great song playing and having the volume "turn up" on opening when everything gets quite. After an fantastic skydive, its amazing!

I think it's the same as picking up a camera, wingsuit, etc. Know the dangers, the benefits, talk to others and see if you are ready for it.

I guess the hellfish quote is appropriate here: shoot their website is way too distracting, HF#615, forgot about the quote.

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Hey there is probably nothing wrong with listening to altitude, just make sure you can hear the pilot in case of an emergency. Turn it off before the jump or leave it on the ground incase its going to be too tempting for you. Those cessna rides get mighty long, I used to bring a book. Oh and make sure you have a flash based ipod. HD ones don't last too long (but may when you're only going up to 10k) Of course, as with any new thing, talk to your instructor or better in this case pilot.

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Is there anything that can help make things quite while freefalling?

If you heat up the nail before inserting it into the ear canal it will cauterize the puncture on the way out and no bleeding will occur.
Voila, you have your concentration back.

LOL...but how are you supposed to hear the cell phone ring?

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When you do everything right, the music in your head will play a beautiful tune.

The sound of the airplane, the laughter of a friend under canopy, the singing of your swoop, it's all part of the orchestra you will crave to hear for the rest of your life. You'll become a groupie.B|

Soon the stuff you called music will be noise pollution compared to what you want to hear.

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When you do everything right, the music in your head will play a beautiful tune.

The sound of the airplane, the laughter of a friend under canopy, the singing of your swoop, it's all part of the orchestra you will crave to hear for the rest of your life. You'll become a groupie.B|

Soon the stuff you called music will be noise pollution compared to what you want to hear.

Discussion over. Definitive answer posted by Cheesy.
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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When you do everything right, the music in your head will play a beautiful tune.

The sound of the airplane, the laughter of a friend under canopy, the singing of your swoop, it's all part of the orchestra you will crave to hear for the rest of your life. You'll become a groupie.B|


thats a cool way of looking at things.... shame that everyone i know talks crap;)

nice sentiment though

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Sounds fun, but it's like yakking on a cell phone when you should be driving. Save the tunes for the video and enjoy the shriek of the wind.

Also, protect your ears and wear earplugs, the soft foamy kind work just fine.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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My first couple jumps(tandem) I thought this was a great idea also, until I entered AFF and learned that there is a lot more to pay attention to than I first thought. And yes I did receive plenty of instruction with my tandem jumps... So as much as having a soundtrack to my own death sounds appealing, first coming to mind Bodies by Drowning Pool, it's probably not a wise decision. Besides it's probably hard to head bang in freefall, and I don't think trying to start formation moshing would appeal to others.

On a serious note...
I've had many problems with my ears caused by skydiving, and have considered wearing ear plugs. I've also listened to almost all of the SDR episodes, but don't recall this ever coming up. Can someone provide me with the show # so I can refresh my memory?

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On a serious note...
I've had many problems with my ears caused by skydiving, and have considered wearing ear plugs. I've also listened to almost all of the SDR episodes, but don't recall this ever coming up. Can someone provide me with the show # so I can refresh my memory?

It is show number 54 with Dr. Stuart Selkin

Wanna Hug It Out, Lets Hug It Out..Bitch!

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I've done it on a 12,000 ft sunset H&P by myself. It was a great moment in my life. Turned it off at about 750 ft though, right before unstowing my toggles. I'm kidding about the last part :P.

I did turn it off at about 2,000 ft because I was landing in the dark and I was sure most people had forgotten that I was even out there and coming in to land in front of the hangar.

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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I've done it on a 12,000 ft sunset H&P by myself. It was a great moment in my life. Turned it off at about 750 ft though, right before unstowing my toggles. I'm kidding about the last part :P.

I did turn it off at about 2,000 ft because I was landing in the dark and I was sure most people had forgotten that I was even out there and coming in to land in front of the hangar.

Kidding or not, your post is worrisome.

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Know that I unstowed my toggles at about 4,000ft to do a control check, there were SOME people who knew I was still to come, and I'm doing this in relatively unused airspace. Still worriesome?

I have to admit I was a little paranoid about getting an airplane up my ass, but I think that was a little irrational given the area I was in... I did keep a 360 degree idea of what was going on around me.

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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Someone who has 650 jumps, 530 of which are apparantly camera jumps feels worried about such a "wild" stunt when it is introduced in an internet forum?

Where people worried when you strapped a camera to your head with 100 jumps? Or am I reading your profile wrong

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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