
Origin of "perfectly good airplane" ?

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When I talk to whuffos, I invariably get the response "Why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?" I know there are some snappy comebacks to this, but it has always struck me as odd that everyone uses this exact same phrase. It is almost like they are reading from a script. It is never "a good airplane" or "an airplane that is not about to crash" or "an airplane that is just fine"

This got me to wondering where this cultural meme came from, as a response to skydiving. I don't remember ever seeing it on TV, which would normally account for this kind of common response.

Anyone else have any ideas?

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I thought the whole "why would you jump from aperfectly good plane" was tongue in cheek humour for people that couldnt understand, like a universal phrase.

Then my old man said it...then a guy at work... and yes they said "perfectly" good plane :S

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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Losers. I guess they'll never get it. It is odd they all use the same phrase though. I find it fucking annoying in honesty, like at work when somone sees one of my photos on my toolbox and they have to try and take the piss and make me out to be the idiot? Huh, I'm the one thats enjoying life. I think they try to take the piss to mask how insiginificant everything in their life is. Most fun they probably have is going fishing once a week or walking the dog.

Its because of people like that that surfing is on the extreme sports channel. Whats up with that by the way? It's shit to watch and I wouldn't class it as extreme.

You know I amaze myself how I wind myself up and get angry sometimes :D

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>like at work when somone sees one of my photos on my toolbox and
>they have to try and take the piss and make me out to be the idiot?

So don't put pictures on your toolbox. If you want people to see em, some will think they're cool and some will think they're stupid. If you don't want to hear their comments, keep them in your wallet or something.

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I have found atleast in my office that the people that talk to me about it will ask questions and think that it is crazy, but we (me and the people that think its crazy) have a fun little exchange like, be careful, or don't do something stupid, and I say i'll try, then they ask me if I am jumping and I invairiably say yes and then they say so maybe not so safe. But I think its fun to look at their faces when I tell them that I am going to jump this weekend. Its a great convo starter, you are gonna have to deal with the super conservative people who don't get it or think its a silly risk. Anyway I would say keep the pictures take the highroad, and at somepoint you have to just deal. After a while when they see the joy that it brings you they will come around and see it for what you see it.
Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

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It's immortalized in film: You're about to jump out a perfectly good airplane Johnny, how do you feel about that?

If they knew anything about airplanes, they would know that a "perfect" one doesn't exist, and never has.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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It's immortalized in film: You're about to jump out a perfectly good airplane Johnny, how do you feel about that?

If they knew anything about airplanes, they would know that a "perfect" one doesn't exist, and never has.

That's from Point Break (1991). The phrase is much older than that.

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It's immortalized in film: You're about to jump out a perfectly good airplane Johnny, how do you feel about that?

If they knew anything about airplanes, they would know that a "perfect" one doesn't exist, and never has.

My standard come back has always been "They haven’t made a "perfectly good” airplane yet.

If they question that I go on to explain AD’s to them. The only plane that I know of that has not had an AD against it is a Howard DGA.
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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It's immortalized in film: You're about to jump out a perfectly good airplane Johnny, how do you feel about that?

If they knew anything about airplanes, they would know that a "perfect" one doesn't exist, and never has.

Whoa, time out John! What about your Mooney?

I miss Lee.
And JP.
And Chris. And...

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I seen some guys i used to knock about with when i was on my way to the DZ, they are the typical type who like to think they are as hard as nails. They seen my kit bag and asked where i was going, when i replied skydiving one of em turned around and said "only skydiving? not exactly BASE jumping is it"

I just gave that dry smile that says "yes keep walking, i have no time for you wanker"

People aint made of nothin' but water and shit.

Until morale improves, the beatings will continue.

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Yea, I tell em skydiving is safer than the airplane ride, or the proverbial "its more dangerous to drive to the dropzone" but they still look at me with that dumb dog look...... at that point I usually invite them to come along sometime and make their first jump.... have yet to get anyone to go....but I'm still workin on that. -- Dont let em piss ya off, they're just jealous you are doing something with your life that they could never dream of doing!!!!

******Today is one day too late.********

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amigo, I jump and I surf, and if you don't think it can be extreme just take a smim out into a 7m reef break, don´t be a victim of your own naive critics by knocking another sport, weather you fly or swim they're not your elements, be greatful to the respective gods that inspired you to get there.
oh, and for the standard perfect aeroplane cliche, how the ±µ~:$ do you know how good it is until after it lands.
When I go, I want to pass away in my sleep, just like my dear old Grandmother, NOT screaming like the passengers in the car she was driving.

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To: "Why would you want to jump out of a perfectly good airplane?" what I want to say is that I don't owe them a f***g explanation. Of course, that would seem a bit antisocial. So, to try to get that point across in a more socially acceptable way, I often say, "I don't explain it; I just do it." Sometimes they get the hint, sometimes they don't.

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It's immortalized in film: You're about to jump out a perfectly good airplane Johnny, how do you feel about that?

If they knew anything about airplanes, they would know that a "perfect" one doesn't exist, and never has.

Whoa, time out John! What about your Mooney?

Close, but it's not perfect - another 50hp would be nice.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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