Started AFF, thinking it was going to be a breeze, always knew I had the gusto to jump, that was never the problem. First jump went terrible, tumbled out of the plane over ten seconds to get level Or at least that's what it felt like. Hand signals on the ground went perfect, looking at them while falling to the earth not so much. On both jumps given (the finger) to pull chute and it was like huh? What are you pointing at? I feel like my brain overthinks the simplest of concepts. Hey, it is what it is. Anyways...jump two went I'd say 30% better than the first... Got out the plane, leveled quicker, still not a great arch, four second count, check, circle of awareness, check, missed first practice pull, got the other two, circle of awareness and instructor pulls chute, forgot to lock on to altimeter and when I checked we were coming up on 500 hard, first time was around 4500 feet (I believe). I'm relatively intelligent and watched people fail the ground course schooling which I had no problem with but they killed it in the wind tunnel, I was terrible in the wind tunnel but tested well, prefer to be the former....
Kinda looking for a mentor if that's a thing, got some good advice on Perris' experienced skydiving facebook page, off to hit the wind tunnel next week to hone that arch.
Any tips, advice, locals, etc...
any and everything helps, feeling a bit overwhelmed, but rather feel overwhelmed than underwhelmed and risk my safety one day.