
Google Earth Drop Zone Project -- Ideas and Discussion

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How do you create a folder to put all the landmarks under?

right click on whatever you want to put the folder in, and select that option from the menu. :)
"Hang on a sec, the young'uns are throwin' beer cans at a golf cart."
MB4252 TDS699
killing threads since 2001

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I haven't tried this, but...
Wouldn't it be possible to load all the individual .kmz files into one's Google Earth, then create a new folder, Dropzone.com, and cut and paste all of the other ones into it?
Then save it as a new .kmz for easier distribution here.


Yes, I think so, but eventually I think we'd reach the file size limit of what we can upload to a thread if we kept them all in ONE file.

Let's see how many more we get my the end of the day and give it a shot to see what happens.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Already done it :)

The Jumptown one doesn't have its own globe icon, probably because I never exported and re-imported it. But I moved it to a virgin PC and it works .

It's only 14k at the moment.
(Done too late to include San Marcos.Sorry.)


My only suggestion to the compiled .kmz would be to name it so that the name included the version number. Since the version will continue to update, my further suggestion would be for the version number to be the date in YYYYMMDD format so that the build you make at the end of today would look like;


Of course, that's just the kind of thing -I- would do.

You may have other ideas.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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Yup.. agree it can be a mess without some sort of naming convention.

In addition, it might be necessary or desirable to segregate by geography, e.g. North America, Europe, etc.

Someone could have a full-time job doing this. (I'm not volunteering.)

(Trying it now on a Linux box, having created it on Mac and tested on PC.

(Geek...? me?? no way....)


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This is Black Knights Parachute Centre,

What a beautiful DZ! Coming from a DZ where we have alot of brown land it's sure nice to see all that wonderful green! Almost hurts my eyes! B|


Don't tell me the sky's the limit when there are footprints on the moon

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This is Black Knights Parachute Centre,

What a beautiful DZ! Coming from a DZ where we have alot of brown land it's sure nice to see all that wonderful green! Almost hurts my eyes! B|


True, I suppose I forget how nice it is actually, but there is a reason why it's nice and green !!

Lots of Rain !!


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Skydive Venezuela, plus some locations in the town of Higuerote.

GE picture is about a year old and most of the infrastructure isn't on yet. I've included an image overlay (could be a bit better, but hey)- does it work?

I'd say I was bored at work as well, but doing this kinda fits into my job description anyway.:P

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Umm, cause i was bored at work...lol.

But you can tilt the axis of the view so it'll create a 3-d effect.

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Google Earth is simply amazing.

It is pretty cool, but I was about to complain that it only runs on legacy systems and FruitOS. But now they have a penguin version too, yay! I downloaded it, and it runs, but it's not a great idea for me to run it and Firefox at the same time. Some day I'm really going to have to go up to 128 megs of RAM from 96 megs.


Anybody else have any ideas for this project?

Trading links to DZs among ourselves is probably totally cool, but Google Earth links to DZs on dropzone.com's dropzone listings might possibly run afoul of the license agreement:


1. USE OF SOFTWARE The Software is made available to you for your personal, non-commercial use only. You may not use the Software or the geographical information made available for display using the Software, or any prints or screen outputs generated with the Software in any commercial or business environment or for any commercial or business purposes for yourself or any third parties. [....]

Google may or may not actually care about this, but I figured I'd mention it.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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