
The WFFC Thief.

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This is my last post. I hope everyone gets their stuff back. Eric should have to pay for his deeds. But people should stop and think before they make damning statements about someone who has to deal with something I hope no one has to. The loss of his normal thinking. I know him personally. I would not have called him a friend per say, but a good aquaintence. Very kind and generous, and highly intelligent. He was not a thief, and the skydive community, as well as world in general lost a great person to the disorder he has. It sounds as if he's dead, which he's not. But in alot of ways the kie we knew no longer exists. Thats what people should know. Now Im done. I didntmean to get everyone hot, but I had to speak up. To others out there. There is the saying, " its better to be thought of as a fool, than to speak and remove all doubt" We should all take that advice, myself included. Peace to everyone

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Was it not said he admitted that he stolen from other dropzones

I meant this unmedicated episode. It might have been going on for a couple of weeks.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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and to bigway, reading your private message tells me you such a brave and courageous man

After you inviting me to take you on in an argument over your first and only private message, the only keys i typed backed in my reply were......... Go Away and then i blocked you from sending me PM's. Get over it, your hands probably sweating right now and you are fuming, calm down realise that all i am saying is that he is a danger to us and you know it is a fact, he is proven to not be responsible enough to make his medication while skydiving.... that is dangerous and if you dont know that you need to do AFF.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Congratulations on getting the thread locked, people.

I am amazed that an incident like this inspires such hatred in people, especially people who claim to care about other skydivers. I have met many of you, and you are not this bad in person. I assume it's just the 'keyboard bravery' thing, but please think about what you're writing and then ask yourself if you would say that to someone's face. If not, perhaps it's not such a good idea to type it.

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