
Skydiving with Glasses

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Hi people

I was just wondering how many people skydive with
glasses. I looking for a better solution to wearing
glasses under my goggles. I have asked about contact lenses but they won't work for me.

I have this problem that my eye aren't perfectly round.

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I use contacts while jumping, usually have no probs. I have worn glasses once but thwe goggles I used to cover them stuck out a fair bit and were very rigid so I lost them almost stright away.

Try and get small profile goggles if you can and make sure they arnt rigid ( or the wind will rip it off ya face)


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The biggest downside to wearing big-ass goggles over your glasses is that you think that you look like a total dork. What helped me was realising that the goggles had very little to do with it. B|


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I finally found a smaller pair of glasses that I wear under my Z-1. I think I'm going to order a pair from sport-RX next. They sell a pair that are low profile and look like glasses. They too will fit under the visor of a Z-1....Steve1

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Yes, small-format eyeglasses work well for most skydiving disciplines.
However, if you want to become an instructor, you may need something more durable. I have lost count of how many times loving students have slammed my head into the door frame, so I have worn basketball glasses for the last decade. Basketball glasses are just an over-grown version of racketball glasses and their sturdy frames protect my face from my loving students.

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I wear my glasses under my Factory Diver. The only problem I've ever had was when they fogged up in really cold weather. Even though it's technically a RW helmet, I have no problem freeflying in it which is what I do the majority of the time.
She is Da Man, and you better not mess with Da Man,
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yahoo muff muff muff just a short note to reply . i used to jump with glasses all the time . all i ever did was wear a craokie on my glasses under my helmet. and when i didnt wear a helmet it worked with just a croakie . i did this for quite a few years until i went to see docter joel and got my eyes done and now i dont wear glasses and i see better without glasses then i did with glasses before but thats another story hope this is a help to you
till later have fun & love each other seeya mb65johnny gates

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I've had glasses since the 9th grade.

Glasses are a pain in the butt.

The only thing worse than glasses is no glasses.

Two or three years ago I got some perscription
goggles from the sportx place (URL in one of the
posts above).

They work well for me.


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I'll tell you what I did before I got lasik about 4 years ago. I spent a good deal of cash (like $400) on a really good pair of custom-made prescription glasses. I got custom-frames made of titanium and plastic that fit very close to my face and wrapped around my eyes. Then I got poly-carbonate, shatter-proof, coated lenses. The wrap around design made them cost a bit more too. I would wear these without any goggles, just a coakie and helmet to hold them in place. I never had a problem with them at all. Sometimes my eyes would dry out a little so I'd use eyedrops between jumps.

I could see perfectly, and didn't have to mess with goggles over glasses.
lookin' for that old time, friendly, club-like dz

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I need them to see well, and wouldn't jump without them....
the windblast doesn't bother me....a couple of times,, on jumps made without a helmet,,, they have blown away.... but I do use an older pair when i jump rather than my current " new pair"....and that works just fine for me...:)

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