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  1. it's called a kid in king arthurs court i think...or it could be some other weird ass film with some guy that goes back in time while in space and then crashes in king arthurs castle..i think it's the second one actually. if you can't climb, fall.
  2. i know this isn't really the kind of question that can easily be answered, but i was wondering if any of you had any idea about the likelihood of breaking a leg...yeah i know it's a ridiculous question, but i'm a keen climber and i've just started this skydiving lark. having been through the safety forum i'm now getting kinda paranoid about breaking my leg and ending my cllimbing life... should i expect this, or is it a pretty rare occurence.. again i apologise for such a vague question.. cheers j if you can't climb, fall.
  3. i was hoping you'd say that, as i am just starting RAPS...thanks for your reply mate.. j if you can't climb, fall.
  4. hey guys.. i was just wondering about what you guys thought of RAPS as opposed to AFF...way i see it is do the RAPS get cat 8, then spend the extra grand you save on a shit load of jumps... does that make sense or am i being a tit? j