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    Speed 2000
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    Cypres 2

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    OeAC FAI
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    Instructor Examiner
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    Instructor Examiner
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    Master Rigger
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    Master Rigger
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    Master Rigger

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  1. Relaxed dz, jumper friendly next supermarked just 800 yards away Stong tandem examiner on site USPA AFFI on site USPA S&TA on site FAA Master Rigger on site
  2. if we have a canopy exceeding a air permeability of 30 cfm it is ok if it is a round canopy even from the 40s if it is a strato star well let´s look at the wingload :/ if it is a small competition velo it is not a perfect decition the manual of a given ram air reserve manufacturer states the reserve is build of 0-3 cfm fabric material. if the fabric has more than that (e.g. assymetric 10 cfm or left to right more than 25% difference or simply 30+ cfm ) it is ...? are there anny borderline readings in the cfm topic available?
  3. If he is a Austrian Citizen he had to put his stuff on that List. If he is US citizen he has no problem because we respect foreign regulations. but the question is which paperwork is required in your country, please let us know
  4. it is a legal thing if you are absolutely sure that everything is OK than,... but other countries have different regulations so if you plan to go to austria Europe please let me know claus
  5. how was your last opening? a fast one? so the slider comes down very fast?
  6. if possible i want to be the D.S. # 425; because its the MASTER
  7. Please read carefully the Manual and all Servicebulletins of the Reserve you work on. Please follow the SB 22 found on www.strongparachutes.com The Rigger may have looked at everything but without written Report it is almost useless. similar to the restroom; no job is finished until the paperwork is done regards