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piisfish last won the day on December 30 2022

piisfish had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

137 Good


  • Main Canopy Size
  • Main Canopy Other
    neos 109, batwing 116
  • Reserve Canopy Size
  • Reserve Canopy Other
    pd 106 r
  • AAD
    Cypres 2

Jump Profile

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    GPS Bex
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  • Years in Sport
  • First Choice Discipline
    Wing Suit Flying
  • Second Choice Discipline
    Formation Skydiving

Ratings and Rigging

  • Tandem
  • Rigging Back
    Senior Rigger
  • Rigging Chest
    Senior Rigger
  • Rigging Seat
    Senior Rigger

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  1. Yet many of them argue like pre-teens
  2. Probably defines herself as pro-life.
  3. Thanks for the reply. That seems to be punctual. Was rather asking for regular « average high ». 500 a day is very impressive though. But how do they average over the year ? Even half of that number daily would be absolutely massive
  4. Have you found your solution? This is the best brake setting system in my opinion. in case you need, I can help you with it n
  5. Well the shooter should qualify for “good guy with a gun”. Shooting instructor, army reservist.
  6. He might believe that the J stands for Jesus (in Donald J tRump)
  7. Only the true Messiah denies his divinity.
  8. Hey Vallerina, I seem to recall a Leg Lamp avatar. Am I completely wrong ?
  9. Putin is kind of funny. He just declared that some people on the plane were either drunk or high, and set off a hand grenade.
  10. They could dig canals from Murmansk and from Vladivostok to the Black Sea. That would probably be a 2 weeks Special Digging Operation.
  11. If you want to know what can be done, read the wiki article about the shootings that happened in Serbia 2 weeks ago (specifically the “aftermath “ section) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Belgrade_school_shooting
  12. Hi, in order to limit the trolling, could we implement a maximum post per day per person? Like a 10 posts max in the same forum ?
  13. Hi Jerry, We are past this level already. Nuts is not enough.