
fuck ya im getting a great deal offerd help!!!

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i just wanted to know if a javelin nj c-18 fit me im 6foot and weight 195 b-12 snaps

I'm about 5'7" and weight a little bit more than you do, and found that a C-17 fit me great. I'm thinking the MLW might be a little on the short side for you.

As someone said, give the manufacturer a call (813 782 9242), give them your measurements, and they'll be able to tell you if it should fit.

If possible, try it on to see if it'll work. If you can't do that, see if someone at your DZ has one with the same harness size and try that one on if they'll let ya. If you end up buying something that doesn't fit right, it's not a great deal. ;)

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Where are trying to buy this rig from?

It is not appropriate for you, so it's not a good deal at all.

First you need to get through your student progression and see how your canopy flight is going. Then determine which size parachutes you need. We can take a look at your measurements to see what size harness you need for your container.

Then you can go shopping to see what great deals you can find.

Peace and Blue Skies!
Bonnie ==>Gravity Gear!

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no i know it way to early but i want to se if it was a good deal for down the road . this way i didnt miis this oppritunity

Dude there will always be good deals...

buy a container that fits you now...and spend that "good deal" money on jumping your ass off.

figure this good deal on an nj with reserve and say a stilletto would be like 1400-1500 thats like 70-75 jumps man...do the jumps man that way you dont get all horny to jump your good deal rig and then break yourself and wind up not jumping man...



CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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thanks im canadain and there no aff up here lol im at a static line dropzone


I know of 1 or 2 DZs in Canadia that offer PFF (the CSPA version of AFF). Static line, now thats pretty rare in Canada.. You sure you dont mean IAD and Standard progression?

That being said, there is nothing wrong with IADs and standard progression, but, you may want to look at the other options at other DZs close to Toronto.

EDIT: and yeah, take your time on the rig. Its not a great deal for one very good reason: its not appropriate at all for you.

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