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  1. good details i should have mentioned, probably wont see sand and i plan on treating it like a baby as well as stored away properly when not in us since it technically will be saving my life
  2. im looking at the vector 3 m series but would like to know what the expected life span on a 2300 dollar piece of equipment would be.
  3. I am looking to buy a new rig (my first ), but was wondering if there was a difference between the two since the smart is $200 cheaper. Thank you
  4. I jumped in Iowa, the radio i was using happen to fuck up and was not working just beeping and static when he tried to guide me in, so i was kinda on my own up there (the radios got replaced after that).
  5. so you might remeber me from a couple weeks ago posting about being completely terrified of jumping after doing 2 tandems well i went ahead and went for level one yesterday... and failed pretty bad my arch was shit my back legs were flopping around (not kicking) my upper body was alright, they were giving me hand signals but my brain froze. my three practice pulls went good my altitude awareness was excellent and pulled on time. my flight down with canopy was horrible thought i was exactly right on target slowly passed my target then realized i was going to miss the runway completely saw a gravel road to try to do a emergency landing and was still way to high had to avoid a powerline legs up then dodge a large patch of timber about 50 feet after that but in the end was able to pull it together and land softly in the ditch. feeling a pretty bad after failing miserably at just level one has this happened to anyone else?
  6. so i get very bored especially when im off work and have always wanted to do something exciting after watching loads of base jumps and skydive and summits on crazy mountains i found a very very small dropzone nearby. the owner operator has around 16,000 jumps and has been skydiving and teaching for 37 years hes been through several classes with uspa on safety and rigging and others im sure. so i set up a tandem last week and went. i was absolutely terrified when the door opened and we jumped.. pure fear.. i was scheduled to go in aff but i decided to try one more tandem even though i was scared shitless which went a lot smoother but still scared. my aff level one is next tuesday and of course im still nervous. has anyone been like this before? does it go away? one one side i dont want to do it because i know now the risks are REAL and you Can die but on the other side i dont want to back out cause im scared. everyone seems to love it so much. does anyone have some advice or personal opinions, it would help a lot and how often do malfunctions happen when good packing procedures are taken. thanks!