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  • Home DZ
    SkyDive Spaceland
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    Formation Skydiving
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  1. Dude, thanks for the info. I will try and make it to one of his camps.
  2. From what I was told at my DZ. You can do your first AFF and any number of tandems(as a passenger of course!) with out a USPA membership. However before you do the second AFF you need to become a USPA member at this level. You need not have received your card but you must be in the online database. I believe this is for insurance purposes. If I went off on a total tangent and missed the point entirely......oh well!!
  3. Thanks everyone for the responses. I have made just one jump (on oct 5th.....sprained an ankle...but put the time to good use(while rehabing the Ankle and practicing arching on a flat table) getting the USPA membership and as much knowledge about skydiving(break-away, basic canopy flight , fly like a pro, pack like a pro, SIM, Parachuting, the Skydivers hand book, DP amd MT) and the A requirements.) I will be jumping this weekend(Yes!!) and am joining the STP program(skydive spaceland). I hope to have my A license by mid Nov. Can you say Junkie? I know it will be impossible for me to own a rig and pay for all this, even if I cut away on a few posessions. Only way I can do this is if I can rent a rig at the Dz. Anyways, Thanks again everyone.
  4. What is the minimum experience level required to attend this ? Do you need to have ur own rig? Is an 'A license' enough? I did email Steven but have not got a reply yet. If anyone knows the answers to this......please reply.
  5. The ones implementing the law are following the same tradition. Change is slow. Some people never change. The good thing is the newer generations are "better" in these respects. If you hav'nt guessed it yet I am an Indian. I do a Q for the HH. Do they have any DZs in India??
  6. I have ordered the Goodstuff, Break-Away and Basic Canopy flight. I will wait for Kinestesia to be available on DVD. Don't want to pay 65 bucks for CD or Tape.
  7. Thanks!! I already contacted MikeTJumps about it. I will be doing my jumps at SDH. I will be picking a copy of SDH from him locally.
  8. I did my first Skydive(AFF Level1) on the 5th of this month. I am hooked!! I had a little bit of trouble with the landing...sprained ankle. So no jumps for the next couple of weeks My next goal is to get the USPA A license. What are the things I can do other than getting out to a DZ and getting some jumps under my belt that will help. Like reading, instructional videos, etc. I have already become a USPA member.