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  1. https://parachutistonline.com/safety_training/ask_a_rigger/double-wrap-stow-bands
  2. Yes, it says it. See Warranty section of the manual. But, the devil is in the details. They warrant for 5 years. After that, what they do is actually up to them. So not having service doesn't actually affect the warranty, because the warranty is over before the service is needed. They usually do better than that, but they aren't required to. Here is the text from a current User manual. So, not getting service doesn't break any laws. But it certainly has ramifications that people should be aware of.
  3. Just to be clear, ALL equipment needs to be in equipment weight, not just h/c and parachutes. In your own weight, if that was your naked weight, your clothes etc need to be part of the equipment weight too. When you weigh your rig, toss all your stuff into the pile too. Helmets, jumpsuit, etc etc all weigh something. Or just put all your gear on and step on a scale - that is your actual suspended weight. (If this was already covered, I apologize for repeating.)
  4. Would you tell us how the decision to use this bag was made? Did someone you respect suggest it? Or was this choice made all on your own?
  5. Very easy to make, and does not required sewing. I use them for all sorts of things around the house and yard. They don't open unexpectedly, and they don't fail if applied properly. Okay, my back yard isn't life saving. But these are very handy to have as one of my fastener options. I do love knowing how to make this sort of stuff! It's fun! Knots and related thing have always been an interest of mine. Glad I could help! -paul
  6. The third photo is completely locked. I apologize for poor photo quality. The "first loop" is the loop you see in the first photo. The first loop goes between the 2 legs and then over the stop knot. When it is going through between the separate legs, that is "under" the stop knot. Then the loop goes around the stop knot, which is "over". Going around the stop knot is what locks it. The first loop cannot get out from between the separate legs because it would need to go around the stop knot. That can't happen if the system is under tension. Make one, you'll see when you have it in your hand. If the stop knot could somehow come undone, this would fail. But not likely if it is under tension. Load it up, and it stays locked. You need some slack to open it. -paul
  7. First photo Start with a finger trap loop Notice how the legs separate. It's important. Exact size depends on application. Second photo Now tie a knot across the two separate legs. Another loop is formed. Third photo Put the loop from the other end through the newly formed loop, Then pull this loop over the new stopper knot. These are very useful, not just for skydivers. I use them to attach Costco blue tarps to a frame in the back yard. Great to have a fastener that doesn't need more tying. Meaning opening and closing don't involve tying and untying any knots. -paul
  8. I know how, but I'm trying to figure how to show photos. I'm on an iPad, and I need to scale down the photos that are too big. Anybody know how to do photo things like fixing image size and resolution on an iPad? If someone can suggest an app for me, I'd appreciate it. -paul
  9. I guess I should have thought more before asking. Sorry. Seeing several in a row makes it clear it isn't a detector. I should have noticed that before. (Good thing I don't do anything like this for real anymore!)
  10. I've wondered before... Are these fold-things supposed to save the operator? Or are they only to detect that the one-time use has occurred? If the threads are very weak, it might not save anything but just act as a detector. (Just asking and thinking out loud. I'm not making any claims.)
  11. Amen. http://www.chapmanmfg.com/ They aren't that expensive either. Thanks for the link! Always good to know sources for good tools. And, as you say, quite reasonable in price.
  12. Mark, Can you enlighten us to exactly where you got that information? I, on the hand hand, can show you that only a rigger can work on parachute equipment (main and reserve) and a non- rated owner can only do simply assembly necessary for transporting the equipment to and fro. See attached. Also, here is a previous thread./cgi-bin/forum/gforum.cgi?do=post_view_flat;post=3876375;page=1;sb=post_latest_reply;so=ASC;mh=25; It really concerns me that you are one of our newer DPRE's and this information has been given to you several times before. With that said,you are still preaching/teaching the opposite of the regulations that you are supposed to be testing an applicant with....... MEL The manufacturer of a parachute is free to do what he likes to his product. Is there a regulation preventing me from calling myself the manufacturer of my modified parachute? What is a manufacturer? How does one become a manufacturer? The document you linked says nothing about what a manufacturer can do, or what a manufacture is. Mark doesn't contradict the document you linked. Mark is saying I can become the manufacturer, and then I can do what I want. Are there any regs about becoming a manufacturer?
  13. So, who remembers when we used to daisy chain all the spare brake line, and stick the toggle on the Velcro. I don't think we ever had "brake fires" back then. There would be a whole bunch of daisy chaining to pull out before anything would release. I think that would be in the early to mid 80s, iirc. Was it common? Or peculiar to where I was?
  14. Even if you had hot knife, you wouldn't want to use it - it would leave a hard sharp edge on the line. Just cut with a very sharp blade, like a razor blade, x-acto, or other very sharp knife. If you will be finger-trapping the line, remember to cut the line at a sharp angle.
  15. The new MARD uses an active attachment point instead of a hook. With the hook, the attachment is passive. If the hook turns in the wrong direction, the loop can slip off the hook. With the active attachment, if the RSL is pulling, the attachment is positive, no matter which direction is pulling from. The attachment unfastens if the reserve pilot chute is doing the pulling. This is accomplished by having one end of the MARD device fastened by the reserve closing loop. If the ripcord has been pulled, that attachment is released since the pin is gone, and the MARD device in turn releases the attachment to the main. The idea is to eliminate the passive hook that can release the loop at possibly the wrong time. (How'd I do Jerry?) -paul