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Lame lame lame...surely you could come up with a better first line than THAT! :P:ph34r:

Btw, where does the term 'whuffo' come from? :S

It's called having a little fun.....what are you 12?

And to answer the Whuffo question. When I started in the 70's, it was defined as "Whuffo you jump out of a perfectly good plane? So basically a Whuffo, can't understand the concept or reasoning for skydiving. Once you GET IT, you are no longer a whuffo.



I'm pushin' 30..and I was being sarcastic. In this case, sarcasm was indicated by the following: :P:ph34r:


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'whuffo' Was used in a skydiving film called Cutaway. I have seen the film and the word whuffo used in context and still dont understand what it means. Maybe its an American thing?

It's much older than that movie...

As stated before...

What do you wanna jump out of a perfectly good airplane for?

Shortened to What for

and even more so to Whuffo.

Therefore anyone who would ask that question, is a whuffo.

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