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  1. MissMissy

    4-Way VRW

    Great question. The 4-way VRW event is going to evolve camera flying as we know it... beyond the traditional RW style and even common freefly POV. To be able to film the points cameraflyers will be more active in the team in having to know all the points so they make sure they get the shot. I foresee camera flyers having to film from underneath for most of the points and on level for some other points. They do need to be more aggressive. The POV would be filmed as the Freefly world records are: Jason Peters / Cisco Neri style. It'll be great to see this evolution and the birth of a new kind of flyer. Missy --- Missy Nelson **Learning Never Stops**
  2. MissMissy

    4-Way VRW

    So, I've been busy articulating a new event and want to spread the news around. As I have been the last few months I've heard so many different ends of the spectrum as to how this event will progress and why it won't. What do you think? Do you think the sport is ready to see/hear about 4-way Verical Relative Work? (don't know how to make clicky) Check it out... www.vrw4way.com And if I don't get back, happy holidays to you all! --- Missy Nelson **Learning Never Stops**
  3. So if anyone's interested, my brother and I are having a "BURIED TREASURE BOOGIE" this Halloween!! We'll be looking for my dad's gold!! We all dress up & have a costume contest, the AFP Grad Ceremony and we play a lot of other fun games! Be sure to join us!! And contact me for further details. Missy Nelson --- Missy Nelson **Learning Never Stops**
  4. I did forget to list names (either that or I accidentally pressed the backspace key and deleted names..., I swore I had 42 names on there!!!!!) **Anyways, I just wanted to share that by tonight we'll have pics posted on our web-site - www.skydivechicago.com, click on "skydiver", then go to the bottom icons (one that looks like binoculars) to the "gallery" and WALA! The record photos will be there! ABOUT THE EVENT All I can say is WOW! It was truly amazing to fly with all my friends... even some that even taught me how to freefly!! We uncovered history by doing things never done before. For example, doing 3 plane shots, we needed as many floaters as possible than divers so we could build the formation faster. We only went to 16,000 feet going appx 175 mph so we didn't have much working time. -- Eli Thompson is writing an article so be sure to check it out in next month's magazines! Mucho love to all and a special congratulations to everyone on the record... it was truly a pleasure! --- --- Missy Nelson **Learning Never Stops**
  5. Sitting here sharing the stories, drinking some drinks and thought we'd share who was on the dive for this history making event.... Stan Gray Kyle Starks Matt Lewis Jason Jeruselum Greg Compton Rook Nelson Charles Bryan Kurt Swanson Eric Deren Jon Pinyon Mike Ortiz Mike Swanson Bobby Page Dave Donnelly Eli Thompson Dave Brown Chris Hayes Max Cohn Fritz Pfnur TJ Landgren Kirby Hughes Robbie Bigley Missy Nelson Omar A... Gillian Parker Cathy Bouette Gian Carlo Azul "Blue" Fabio Brandt Alaska Jon Devore Chris Fiala Amy Chmeleki Nate Gilbert Jeffro Provenzano Trent Alkek Tim Strauss Wyatt Drewes --- Missy Nelson **Learning Never Stops**
  6. Hm... MissMissy's curiousity is perked... video? Need help?? ~ Love to freefly, freestyle, RW, coach/instruct, Atmonauti, Track, Hybrid, Swoop and of course, SMILE for cameras!!
  7. As many of you know, my freestyle team was vying for a slot on the US World Meet Artistic Team for 2004. The USPA Board met last week and voted NOT to let us participate. --That's the Bad News. HOWEVER (here comes the good news), the Board is going to review these rules and hopefully modify them so in this case and in Shannon Pilcher's case (trying to go to the 2003 Canopy Piloting World Cup) will not arise again. Instead, the rules will help out our cases and it will be more supportive to the skydiving athletes. I also want to take this time to thank all those that helped out signing my petition. It truly means SO much to me!! THANK YOU!!!
  8. I'm not sure what was meant there... all I'm asking is for support from the USPA members.... And thank you for all who have and all you're doing to help!!
  9. Bill is working in Mexico as well. He's a poor skydiver (well, like most of us). It costs too much for him to fly there and back, but that IS a good idea. Missy --- Missy Nelson **Learning Never Stops**
  10. I wish I had the time to physically attend the BOD, but all of my staff are gone in Mexico, so I need to here. (way cold here!!) Sending hardcopy... great idea! Missy Nelson --- Missy Nelson **Learning Never Stops**
  11. I've included the link to my weekly update subscribers which is 1000+ people and have called everyone saved on my phone. Some people don't like mass fwd'd e-mails otherwise I'd suggest to fwd it to those on your e-mail list. I'm about to head out of the country for a week in Mexico. We're having our 2nd Boogie in Ixtapa... can't wait... but I hope to collect more names while I'm there. I really appreciate your support. Maybe I'll have more ideas to work with when I return. -- Missy --- Missy Nelson **Learning Never Stops**
  12. Will Dos Gatos Freestyle Team make it to the 2004 World Meet?? While the other freestylists declined their invitation to go to the World Meet, there happens to be one open slot that could potentially be filled. If you're curious about more... click on the link under my signature and find out how YOU can help! Mucho love for your patience for seeing this topic sooo many times and thanks for your love and support!! (PM for any questions you may have.) --- Missy Nelson --- Missy Nelson **Learning Never Stops**
  13. bummer!! Wish you were going!! Well, I'll definately let everyone know to be safe and I tell 'em you say Hi!! -- --- Missy Nelson **Learning Never Stops**
  14. RAINBO!!!!!! Hey, are you going to Mexico?? --- Missy Nelson **Learning Never Stops**
  15. Yea, Trent is a hottie!! --- Missy Nelson **Learning Never Stops**