Despite efforts to keep the dropzone classifieds free of scammers, when offering a free service it becomes extremely difficult to prevent these unwanted individuals from registering and posting ads or contacting sellers. We still attempt to do all we can to ensure that every buyer and seller have a positive experience through the classifieds we offer, and in turn act as quick as possible to disable any scam users and to post an alert out on the forums, notifying you of these scammers - so you know who to avoid.
Currently we rely on you, the buyer and the seller to report scams to us. And here's what to look for in an ad or ad response:
Seller ads can be flagged by users, but we remind users that this method should only be used if you're sure it's a scam. If you're unsure of the legitimacy, send us an e-mail at abuse(at) and we will look into whether the ad is legitimate or a scam and act accordingly
When we receive a scam report, we then follow up and do some investigation of our own to determine whether in fact the user is a scammer or whether their ad merely appears like that of a scammer.
If it's determined that the user is a scammer, we will make a post in the scam forum alerting the users to the reported user. This report will also be shown at the top of the main classifieds page. We recommend that users check this forum before completing any classifieds deal.
With our template changes that took place in early 2013, we also now display user's classified ads on their profile pages, and because of this, we have decided to allow users to see whether or not a user is a scammer at the top of that user's profile. Should the user have been determined to be a scammer, you will see a warning present at the top of their profile.
Trusted Users
Users who have premium accounts, or are regular contributers to the classifieds and are known to be trusted in their transactions will be flagged as 'trusted users' on their profile. This means that the odds of getting scammer by the user in question are extremely low and that other buyers have found them to be reliable. Likewise, ads that are submitted as featured ads are more trustworthy than free ads.
Please note: While we are able to determine and in turn let you know which users are likely to be trustworthy, we cannot provide any guarantee on any user's legitimacy and in turn cannot be held responsible for any losses, whether it be a loss of equipment or financial. The dropzone classifieds remains a free service which seeks to put a buyer and seller in touch with each other, and once communication has been made between the buyer and seller, is no longer involved in any way with the transaction.
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