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  1. surrounded by high-vibrational natural beauty? Picking up good vibrations there. https://ecidevelopment.com/community/grand-view-estates/
  2. And now he has been ousted from his infowars website. It has been sold to......The Onion. https://www.cnn.com/2024/11/14/business/onion-alex-jones-infowars-auction/index.html
  3. I would agree with you on that. The law would seem to be an ineffective knee jerk reaction. I have always considered Oz to be very much a nanny state on many issues. A quick search turns up a story in Canadian media about the first man reaching martyr status under this law. https://www.ctvnews.ca/world/self-described-nazi-becomes-first-person-jailed-in-australia-for-performing-outlawed-salute-1.7102769
  4. This whole thing is like looking at a collaboration between Dali and Picasso.
  5. The link here is to a long but well written piece that does a good job of putting forward most of the explanations for the rejection of Harris and the Ds mostly agreeing with what our more right wing posters have been expressing. Along with many of the reasons why Trump is going to be so bad for the nation. Some of you might find it interesting enough to read. https://samharris.substack.com/p/the-reckoning
  6. Isn't this a tactic of Trump's? Never admit a mistake.
  7. Isn't there something about the House controlling the purse strings? Not even Trump can make Congress members vote in a way that will ensure their defeat in 2026.
  8. Those are all laudable goals if he is sincere in pursuing them. There are other people available who could also take the Justice Department in that direction but have better records and abilities. It isn't necessary to make Gaetz the AG except to make a statement. And to get him out of congress. Most likely he will be a sacrificial lamb and never become AG. Which is better than he deserves.
  9. Matt Gaetz is not and has never been a senator.
  10. I would commit to a paid subscription. But I suspect that model would cause the membership base to shrink even more. The original mission of the site seems to be no longer valid as we all know. SC is not what brought me here originally. Skydiving, incidents, camera, and the rigging forums were and they are nearly dead. I only have a limited amount of energy to devote to swimming upstream, but if a plan emerges I will participate.
  11. I have learned to be a little subtle at it. Occasionally I slip up.
  12. I don't know where you live, but where I live most people made appointments and lined up en masse to get mNRA vaccines as soon as they could and were very glad of it. You probably look down your nose at most people and call them sheep. Most people are actually a lot smarter than you give them credit for.
  13. I agree Wendy. But on the other hand it is telling that saying a person resembles a high ranking POTUS adviser is universally considered to be an attack rather than a compliment.
  14. Eugenics will be next. After the homeless are rounded up they can be sterilized. At least they won't be pressured to get vaccinated. Let the bells of freedom ring out!