learn and perfect your belly stuff: fall rate, side swipes, forward/reverse, docking, burble pops, etc. basic rw skills will come in handy such as getting into your slot and staying with your group. do these for a minimum of 50 jumps before and if you decide to transition to your back and eventually freeflying. get proficient at flying on your belly and with others. its the foundation for the rest. i would also recommend not doing 5 solos. jump with others, dont be afraid to ask, we are always willing to have fun. you wont have any frame of reference doing solos as you would with a group. coach jumps are important so if you have the ability to do them, highly recommend it.
learn to fly your canopy as well. can always do a high pull or two and just try different maneuvers. know what each riser does versus toggles, where you canopy stalls, descent rate, EPs, speed up/slow down, etc. can always get with a coach and ask about all that fun stuff. but most importantly, just be safe and have fun doing it. good luck to ya and congrats, blue skies.