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  1. No one has cutaway video to lend to me!
  2. Hey Guys! Long time, I know! Lawrocket and I have been busy over here in NorCal with all kinds of things. I've written a book and am starting a speaker business. I'm making slides for my Keynote Speech and need a video of a cutaway. Bonus if you have a pink parachute! I'm using it as a metaphor as to why one must cutaway toxic people in your life. For me, this was my toxic mother. The speech is titled The Aurora Rising: Breaking the Cycle of Toxic Inheritance. AKA, Cutting away the toxic mother. So, if you are able to lend me some media, I would be ever so grateful. Check out my website! I'm pretty proud of it! www.drrisleychilds.com
  3. Lawrocket was able to meet him a few years back down in SoCal. I've never seen my husband so thrilled!
  4. We have a different culture than Europe. We are not European here. (or down under or Canadian). The purpose of the 2nd amendment is to protect ourselves from our government. And for that, I whole heartedly support open carry and no "gun laws." Familicide is often carried out by those who see their families as extensions of themselves, a very narcissistic concept. I didn't know Billy well enough to be able to determine why he did what he did and none of us who were regularly in touch with him saw this coming. We can only wait for the release of his letter. When I was in school, kids had gun racks hanging from the backs of their rear windows in their trucks. If what occurs today occurred then, there would have been a whole lot of kids taking that down. You take down an active shooter with a shot. It is the "norm" now. It has been done many times. It's called "contagion." Read up about it.
  5. Because "Gun Free Schoolzones" has worked thus far!
  6. Gorgeous! What a large tongue! Our newest, Jackie, at 130 pounds, thinks he is a lap dog!
  7. Then you need to reevaluate yourself if you can't see it.
  8. Actually, private health plans don't cover much at all. Reimbursements are higher through medi-care/medi-caid plans.
  9. Typical. Man telling a woman where to go.
  10. People kill people. With or without guns. 9/11 showed us you need no guns to kill massive amounts of people.
  11. <sigh>. I have no words. https://www.wbrc.com/2022/05/23/riverside-mayor-mourning-family-involved-triple-murder-suicide/
  12. Thank Bigun! Just seeing this now! We successfully got our Jackie through a service!
  13. Lawrocket and I were just talking about her.