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OrphanBlue last won the day on September 27 2022

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  1. iFly is a corporation and without you it will fail. Let that sink in. All of the instructors that dangle their feet in the door while you fly? Gone. All of the insistence that training teams pay peak rates because there are no more overnights? Gone. The mandatory employee coaching regardless of your coach's credentials? I think you get my drift. We'd be left with a wasteland of franchised tunnels where literally anyone could come and learn bodyflight. Don't worry. I just shuddered enough for all of us.
  2. "We will be celebrated in story and song." ~Lt. Commander Worf, son of Mogh https://youtu.be/P6kIMx1m9YE?si=XFdyRKDgzyuXiIBq Ya'll got plenty of stories...
  3. Q: What's white and streaks across the sky? A: The coming of the lord.
  4. Because until they're the ones giving chest compressions, tying off a tourniquet or holding a canopy to shade some poor broken fucker while waiting for the LifeFlight they will always operate under the credo "Anyone but me. It will happen to anyone but me." This shit isn't complicated. Myopic assholery, yes, but not complicated.
  5. Your last post leaves no doubt you have no idea who I was quoting. It was... Like, really early. I knows my history. Come join me.
  6. Mods, please pin ^THIS^ atop everywhere that contains information for anyone who wants to strap a rig on and do this dumb and wonderful shit. Ladies and Gentlemen, good night, and good luck.
  7. I totally get why training methods evolve. It'd be asanine if they didn't. I've just never gotten a straight answer as to why a canopy course is required for a B-lic (instead of A) under the USPA. Tunnel time is encouraged before AFF and body flight skills (or lack there of) are what wash a student out of AFF. Seems sort of, what's the word, backward? They are, after all, a Parachuting Association. Body flight never had the caveat of "try to avoid trees and buildings", you know?
  8. This makes so damn much sense that there's absolutely no wonder why it's been phased out. Spent a cup of coffee on the old YooToob and this only proved to be true during ~96% of filmed instructor openings for vids including "AFF" in the title.
  9. Yeah, maybe. But then again, I've had a stripper girlfriend. So yeah, maybe.
  10. Depends entirely on your definition of "terrible". My training was USPA to the absolute letter, student gear was some of the best I've ever come across, instructors were trained by, literally, one of the best of the best (and it showed) and I'm still not an "Incidents" thread. Just wish I hadn't been snowed with all of the "Sky Family" bullshit. And some other stuff. I'll get to all that if/when appropriate. Glad your DZ kicks ass. I will totally come visit when my bank account stops telling me to fuck off.
  11. Counterpoint: how many student fatalities are a direct result of FS vs. those being abruptly reunited with the Earth? I know where the focus lies and am pining for change where it doesn't. All sarcasm aside "Send it" is not advice and "How was your landing" should never be heard after E1 or E2. Watch student landings, ya'll. We all know yer turning loads. I don't care how competent you think I am. Basically... Postscript: I'm only here to learn and share info. Thanks to all for humoring me.
  12. Chuck, I'll be the first to bow out to your knowledge of skydiving as a whole. However, I think Mr. Moe's point spoke more to the human element. Legend has it that, once upon a back when, instructors knew the students. Had conversations with them. Tutored them. As my Pops would say, "Made it real to 'em.". Now I'm not calling anyone out or speaking ill by any means but I would bet you dollar to doughnuts if I walked up on one of my AFFI's they wouldn't even know my name. Because I have. And they didn't. They took my money, taught me a handful of tricks, told me I had to pay extra if I wanted my videos (you know, to review, maybe learn from) and then put a big blue stamp on my forehead and "Congratulations! You owe a case of beer!". You've jumped that DZ. Many times I would wager. It has a reputation. And that's how they produce "the safest skydivers".
  13. "You know what I call AFF? Accelerated Death. We tell these folks they can fly and never give them the proper amount of time to truly digest the inconvenience of dying. If they could they'd likely slow down and learn a bit more than wave, arch, reach, pull." ~Uncle Moe, on AFF
  14. LSPC for sure. Tell 'em Dave and Stump sent you. They'll know what you mean.
  15. Those are Stone beers which have conditioned bottles. When they go from horizontal to vertical the residual yeast that settles on the side really tickles the CO2. Also, if it's only this batch they may have been over conditioned resulting in your unfortunate beercanos. Had that problem with a batch from a great little brewery called Greenbush. Not only did they give me some learnin' but also made good by matching my skunk 6 with a fresh 12.