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  1. Yeah but I'd be afraid of some dick bitching about the use of a different fabric
  2. I recall seeing a photo sequence not this but cannot find it anywhere.. Sometime in the 60's or maybe a little later there was a double fatality .It involved 2 jumpers having simultaneous cutaways and one jumper ended up going thru the others reserve..anyone remember who and where it happened?
  3. I haven't been to a dz in a few years but still keep in touch with the sport / equipment etc.... My question is....Are dz's being affected by the economy rite now?
  4. I have a need for 1 yard of Strong LoPo fabric in white... I have contacted Paradigm several times..no response..any thoughts?or other sources? Thank s in advance
  5. I need a place to buy a roll of F111 TYPE fabric..about 80 yards color does not matter
  6. This debate reminds me of the old Miller Lite commercials...."Tastes great"......"Less filling "..
  7. We had a guy at Ripcord Para Center who resembled the drawing of DB Cooper.. Even smoked Raleigh cigarettes. No one ever investigated him
  8. I need 1 yard of pink F111 type fabric (exact a chute I believe is what para gear calls it).I can't find any. Let me know if anyone has it.I will buy it from you.thanks
  9. Been trying to access the Trimsetter websiter but it seems to be down...
  10. Steve Snyder said that cross bracing violated his patent on "v " rib design
  11. Where can I buy a monkey fist handle...themonkeyfist.com website appears to be down for maintenance... Any other sellers?
  12. Can someone post a link to the packing instructions for putting round reserve into a javelin?
  13. The Javelin canopy compatibility chart ...are this figures for square footage of canopy or bulk in cubic inches??
  14. Para Flite use to include a section on turbulence in their manuals.