After a reserve ride, I demoed a Safire 2 from the gear store since multiple people told me they had awesome openings. It only took 2 rides for me to know that I was buying an Icarus canopy next. When I ordered my Safire 3, I knew that 1.6 was higher than they recommended, so I called NZ and asked why did they recommend 1.5 max. They said that at higher wing loadings the flare would suffer. I ordered it anyways because I was getting bored on the Hornet (Old pilot) I had loaded at 1.4. The openings were amazing, the turns were responsive, but the flare was unimpressive. I was kind of upset even though I had been warned. It seemed that if I did not use a front riser turn or double fronts, the flare was not that strong. However, I also noticed that I could not stall the canopy. So I had Nick Armstrong trim the brake lines 4.5" and man did this canopy come alive! Great Flare, super responsive and the same SOFT snively openings as before! I am so glad I bought this canopy now. I look forward to putting 500-700 jumps on this canopy!