
Camera from Cessna 182 for 3-way

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Any good suggestions for camera flier exits from a 182 for recording outside vid? Right now we've been experimenting with dive outs, or being the 4th man on the step, outside (essentially a toe on the step, hanging from the strut).
The dive outs are okay, but it's tricky getting the action on the hill, and we end up pretty high on the exit.
4th man, we just haven't mastered flying the hill from that contortion.
Suggestions for flying these positions?
"Experience is what you get when you were expecting something else."

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4th man on the step, outside (essentially a toe on the step, hanging from the strut).

That's how I've always done it. Try to lead by just a little and don't give in to the temptation to turn toward them too soon.
Always remember the brave children who died defending your right to bear arms. Freedom is not free.

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I also used to climb out to the strut, holding onto it at the most far possibility what I could reach, while my left foot is on the edge of the step. this helped the jumpers or tandem to use the step/door for their exit.
Sometimes, if I felt comfortable, I took the foot from the step as well, just hanging at the strut.
With the camera either on the left side of my helmet or now on top, it was easy to see the exit-count and capture the jumpers on the hill. You also have clean air on that position, means: you´re not in the way of someone who just leaps ...

look at those staticline-students, that is the position -more or less- I was talking about ..

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pigs just fly well

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Any good suggestions for camera flier exits from a 182 for recording outside vid? Right now we've been experimenting with dive outs, or being the 4th man on the step, outside (essentially a toe on the step, hanging from the strut).
The dive outs are okay, but it's tricky getting the action on the hill, and we end up pretty high on the exit.
4th man, we just haven't mastered flying the hill from that contortion.
Suggestions for flying these positions?

I have watched and done (a few times) a rear float style exit from the door. It's not fun at all and a smaller frame is advantageous. Just an option but not one that works great for me since I'm 6'3 200 out of the shower....... I grow in the shower and am normally 6'2. Haha :P

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Muff Brother #4382 Dudeist Skydiver #000

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When I did AFF video out of a 182 I would go from the rear of the door with the toe of my right foot on the step. Climb out with your right hand on the strut, left hand on the upper part of the rear of the door frame, and left foot trailing. Lean back, stretch out your right leg, and when you can't hold on to the strut any more with your right hand switch it from the strut to the rear of the door frame. You end up with both hands on the rear of the door frame, your left leg trailing, and your toe on the step. You can also put your toe on the wheel if the pilot holds the brakes. Give it a shot some time, it's a lot easier than my description makes it sound. For AFF I would usually climb out after the first instructor and never had any trouble holding on until exit, even with some students who really took their time getting in position.

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Here are a couple of ideas for exits. Classic exit our camera guy uses for tandems @ 0:47

This dive time he dove the door after the 4 way had left out of our 206.

Once I get back video from our 3 way completion I will try and post it, but our camera flyer hung from the strut. From there I think its mostly just timing. Thing is in our little friendly competition the camera guy actually saved our butts to get us 2nd place and got all of our points on video. The 3rd place team didn't have good video at all and actually had more points but none of their points counted since of course they weren't on video. I'll post it as soon as it arrives in my email.

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