
What is a Texas Star?

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Is a Texas Star a specific formation with a specific number of skydivers?

Usually, I believe, I see it as a 5 way, filled in with 10 people as zippers, then 5 stingers. That makes a 20 way.

If you put in an additional layer of zippers, making it a 30 way, is that then called a "30 way Texas Star?"

Is this thinking about right, or am I out in left field somewhere? Just curious.

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Back 'n the middle 80's, my Texas Star was just a 20 way over Space Land. 'Star' originally was a round formation. It morphed later into anything that was roundish. My Texas XX built from a 4 way outward and was sort of slot specific but generally roundish.

Any other thoughts/opinions guys & gals?

On a side note, it was fun as hell diving last out of an Otter or DC3. Best way in an Otter, stay in the door and count to 10/1000 before exiting and dive like a mother fo! Exit at 13' and dock around 7.5!

My logbook shows a Texas Star in 1985 with Mark Rolsten and many others. Blue Skies!
I'm back in the USA!!

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Is a Texas Star a specific formation with a specific number of skydivers?

Usually, I believe, I see it as a 5 way, filled in with 10 people as zippers, then 5 stingers. That makes a 20 way.

If you put in an additional layer of zippers, making it a 30 way, is that then called a "30 way Texas Star?"

Is this thinking about right, or am I out in left field somewhere? Just curious.

You could certainly call a 30-way a "TeXXXas" Star as long as it is a 5-pointed star formation. Here's some history...

The 20-way TeXXas Star (2 "XX's" to create the Roman numeral 20) was originated of course in Texas, specifically at Spaceland Parachute Center in League City, south of Houston. The DZ had one of, if not the first Twin Otter hauling skydivers and took advantage of it's then 21-jumper capacity.

The TeXXas Star is so named because it resembles a 5-pointed star like the lone star of Texas. It has become a tradition in Texas to perform a TeXXas Star for visiting jumpers. There's even a "TeXXas" patch available for bragging rights.

Another tradition in Texas is the TeXXas 20-way Competition. Started in the early 1980's by Laird Cogburn and Madolyn Murdock, the meet is a one-day comp that always includes a traditional Texas style dinner - BBQ, fajitas, etc. The scoring rules are different than other FS comps in that 1 point is scored for each person with proper grips.

As a tradition, the first formation of the first jump of the comp is always a TeXXas Star.

Attached is a TeXXas Star we put together at the Farm a few years ago at Skyfest. One of the better shots of one I have.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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Thanks, Chuck. Great history. I jumped with some Spaceland folks at Lost Prairie back in 2009. I believe we did a TeXXas Star.

The formation I am referring to was at Skydive Dallas last weekend. It's getting posted up now on the internet and is being called a "Texas Star." It was a 30 way with an extra group of zippers inserted.

It's a pretty formation, not too complicated, solid formation.

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Another tradition in Texas is the TeXXas 20-way Competition.

my first 'planned' comp there would have been in 1990 (or 91?) with a team from Coolidge

two weeks prior I got bit by a rattlesnake and missed it - was crushed at the time, I really wanted to go

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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***Another tradition in Texas is the TeXXas 20-way Competition.

my first 'planned' comp there would have been in 1990 (or 91?) with a team from Coolidge

two weeks prior I got bit by a rattlesnake and missed it - was crushed at the time, I really wanted to go

Well then, have I gotta deal for you!

I resurrected TeXXas 20-way 3 years ago. It is held at Skydive Spaceland now every June.

This year we had 5 teams with folks from as far away as California. Scott Latinis' team "Sweaty Cleavage" from Dallas won, with Doug Feick's Austin/Houston team "Donner Party of 20" taking 2nd. In third place was the local Spaceland team "Your Whacker is Stuck in My Zipper".

The event is growing and we'd love to see more folks travel for the meet. As many know, the competition is casual with the focus on camaraderie. Folks say it has one of the best vibes in skydiving. I would have to agree but of course I'm biased.
Chuck Akers
Houston, TX

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Texxas Stars have become a tradition at Lost Prairie. It's also been called the cursed formation if Texas Tom Webber is on the load (it seldom works if he's on it). On year he got tired of the failures and hand picked some people to complete it, it almost worked but he docked in the wrong slot. We love doing it when he's not there just to piss him off.


Main goals in life: Be on the "Jumpers Over Eighty" (JOE) World Record and attend the Lost Prairie Boogie once after I'm gone.

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