
Skydive California City

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OK, so Skydive California City is now owned and operated by Military Freefall Solutions inc (www.mffsolutions.com) we specialize in advanced military freefall training for the military. Since opening we have met enough skydivers who have expressed an interest in being able to jump there again, they have fond memories of the Van Pray and Bob Celaya days. So to my question, if and its a big "IF" we opened the DZ to the skydiving masses a couple of times a month on say a thursday and a friday, would you come and jump? We would have a PAK 750 on call.

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I think you'll get a pretty good turn-out if you re-open Cal-City, at least enough to keep a PAC busy.

What you need to do is nail down a date, and ask people to RSVP if they can make it. Explain that you will only open the DZ and call in the plane if enough people 'pre-register', so they need to let you know. I think you can do some sort of Facebook invite, and see who replies they will be there.

If you're trying to plan stuff for during the week, the ecaxt day matters. Last week, Thurs and Fri were both busy days at work that I couldn't get away from. This week I could probably sneak out Thrus or Fri, so the exact date would matter. Last week would be a 'no', this week would be a 'yes'.

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And we all know there is so much - so close to Cal City! :S
Get the directions to their "California City" skydiving. I can see it now: "Turn right, onto the SR58, to Rte 5 ...then it's only a simple drive (leaving OUT +/- 200 or so miles) to exit blah-blah, and follow the skydiving signs at the bottom of the exit. We're right off the highway". Friggen Skyride strikes again. [:/]
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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Cal City was my "home away from home". But certainly not because of its location. Rather, because of its FULL TIME vibrant culture and "atmosphere" - which I think would probably be virtually impossible to recreate, as a single day or two of the month "event" type, merely destination.
coitus non circum - Moab Stone

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To be blunt, trying to be open Thursdays and Fridays once in awhile may not get you much of a fun-jumper turn out except maybe for the 1st go around, but maybe that's just saying the obvious.

I'd think you'd be better off being open on a Saturday and Sunday once or twice a month.

Are you thinking of only offering up opening for up-jumpers only or also offering student training (AFF) and / or Tandems too?

Having said that though, if y'all got the word out when y'all were open for fun-jumpers, I'd do my best to be there to show my support and I do appreciate y'all posting this.

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Cal City was my "home away from home". But certainly not because of its location. Rather, because of its FULL TIME vibrant culture and "atmosphere" - which I think would probably be virtually impossible to recreate, as a single day or two of the month "event" type, merely destination.

While I agree with this...there are a lot of 'Cal City Refugees' still around those parts. (I was one myself, for a bit.) :)
We've had reunions over the years, from meeting up at Elsinore to do big ways with Bob Celaya to smaller Peckerhead Meats out at Taft.

If given the opportunity to go out once a month, I think those same people who created the vibrant culture and atmosphere would jump at the opportunity. Would it be the same? Definitely not. But I think it might be close enough... ;)
Signatures are the new black.

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I sent word out to as much of the ol' Cal City crowd as I still have email comms with.

I had hopes they'd dust off their old dropzone.com accounts and come and post their thoughts here themselves. Maybe the will in time.

The responses I've gotten have all been positive and welcoming of the opportunity to jump once in awhile at the ol' place, but, for what its worth, generally, folks have said two things, to be successful:

1. A schedule of when y'all would be open for fun jumps would need to be posted somewhere and readily available for folks to see and plan for.

2. A Saturday and/or Sunday once or twice a month would be better then Thursdays or Fridays. While a few of the bunch are retired, or self-employed, most of us "regular" folks aren't going to be able to ditch work on a routine basis.

Very respectfully,
I don't know what your constraining factors are when it comes to saying "Thursdays or Fridays" in your OP and over the years skydiving, I've learned that making "suggestions" to a DZO can put one on thin-ice, so, I'm just trying to pass on info and facilitate discussion.

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OK, so to answer a couple of questions, we could do a weekend, maybe once a month (have to make some calls on that) or once every 5 weeks...TBC, tandems would be available as would AFF and canopy coaching. In a perfect world we would ask people to pre-book and confirm with their wallets since bringing the plane in or keeping it the weekend costs! ;)

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And we all know there is so much - so close to Cal City! :S
Get the directions to their "California City" skydiving. I can see it now: "Turn right, onto the SR58, to Rte 5 ...then it's only a simple drive (leaving OUT +/- 200 or so miles) to exit blah-blah, and follow the skydiving signs at the bottom of the exit. We're right off the highway". Friggen Skyride strikes again. [:/]

Yep. Skyride, and every one of their defenders said they turned a new page. In the AFF Exit I see Fort Campbell under them, that is on the TN KY border.

Any who still work for their DZ's and company, are still criminal, IMO. DZO's who still use their service as well.

An Instructors first concern is student safety.
So, start being safe, first!!!

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The "we need folks to come out so we can get a (big) plane and we need a (big) plane so we can get folks to come out" certainly isn't a new quandry for a prospective DZ.

I hope that y'all see a way to do a few days here a few days there for fun-jumpers at Cal City; weekends prefered.

If and when, please get the word out as soon as possible, a few weeks ahead of time mininimum I'd suggues so folks can get it on their calendars and spread the word.

Hope it works out. :)
Standing by to stand by. ;)

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