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    Skydive EXtreme Calgary, Beiseker, Alberta, Canada
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  1. a link to an STC, probably not the right one.. https://www.sealandaviation.com/sites/default/files/SkyDive-Step-and-Door-Issue-2.pdf
  2. If you use an Apple iPhone the answer is easy... their Air Tags. If you use android, stay away from Samsung Smarttags... they only work with Samsung phones. I made the mistake, but won't again. Rather look for tags that work with Google Find which works on all Android phones including Samsung. By example... https://www.independent.co.uk/extras/indybest/gadgets-tech/google-android-airtag-tracker-b2526969.html
  3. What are the differences between your two products?
  4. I'd be much more concerned if I was looking at evidence of improperly cut closing loops. I've seen none in this thread and heard of none in the sport.
  5. This says your dealer can accept your trade in and you get $ towards your new one https://www.cypres.aero/services/trade-in/
  6. Strong has new owners, announced on the Strong website" "WE ARE UNDER NEW OWNERSHIP AS OF 12/8/2023 PLEASE WELCOME PARADIGM PARACHUTE & DEFENSE" Also announced on the Paradigm site https://paradigmparachute.com/paradigm-parachute-and-defense-inc-announces-acquisition-of-asr-pioneer-aerospace-corp
  7. https://www.aero-news.net/index.cfm?do=main.textpost&id=01482851-cf57-4dcc-a3d6-25f3523e0daf "Parachute Company Was Formerly Known as Aviation Safety Resources. Pioneer Aerospace Corporation, d.b.a. ASR-Pioneer, has declared Chapter 11 bankruptcy and is seeking to sell the company under Section 363 of the Bankruptcy Code. The parachute manufacturer is a collection of companies, including Pioneer and Strong Parachutes," They have already sold off one of the pieces, Pioneer maker of recovery parachutes used by various space programs, was sold to SpaceX for $2.2 million. I've not seen any information specific to Strong Parachutes.
  8. maybe this will provide the information https://www.atf.gov/explosives/docs/open-letter/all-fels-nov-2023-notification-previously-exempted-special-explosive/download
  9. Unfortunately this is not an option. Over the years I've tried to get the data updated but no one a dz.com responds. Thanks for creating a map!
  10. Very cool. The DZs in Alberta are way out of date. What's the best way to send you updates? This page shows the 3 Alberta DZs today Alberta Sport Parachuting Association - Dropzones (aspa.ca) (full disclosure I'm the webmaster for ASPA.ca whose function is "The Alberta Sport Parachuting Association is a non-profit organization that promotes sport skydiving in Alberta") These are from the KMZ file and are incorrect
  11. Unfortunately the dropzone info is way out of date on here. If you do go about scraping the info and creating something new, it would be great to have a way for users to provide feedback for updates.
  12. Another source for GPS in pud https://www.360skypro.com/products/gps-pud
  13. SInce I read in your greeting post that you've been gone a long time.... velcro holding toggles in place is pretty much gone on Mains