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Attention Skydivers: Jumping a BASE rig from aircraft in the US is not just illegal, but stupid

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in a skydiving environment where dual parachute systems are a must, why would you try and jump a simple single parachute system?unless your pulling low and are allowed.......

Although I think a single parachute system is safer, and actually feel safer than having a dual parachute system on my back I would never attempt to jump a single parachute system at a skydiving event........

Its not about education, its not about sucking up, its about keeping a low profile and just acting within the environment you are in.

So what 2 dual parachute system users try a Mr Bill or stacks on VX 69s........ who gives a toss

Unless you are deploying low altitidue and/or near a solid object, there is no reason to wear BASE gear from a balloon at a skydive event......

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I must be on acid or fucked on crack here, as I actually agree with the original poster here...............

There is no fucking place for BASE gear at a major skydive event - full stop! - that to me is trying to show off and boast to people

The fact that one person approached someone who they did not know and did not know if a) they were an experienced BASE jumper or b) a twat with BASE gear then I think should be applauded...........

If I was at a skydiving event and someone got onto a balloon wearing a BASE rig as I was wearing a dual parachute system I would question them, and If i was unhappy I would get them thrown off...........

Now this is the problem, should someone without BASE experience apart from BD jump be able to do that? or should the experienced skydiver be able to look after his sport as we look after ours? I mean, the "BASE Jumper" could be a twat after all and still hurt the skydivers sport..............

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If it wasn't a "BASE" rig, would you have had a problem with it?. It's a harness and a canopy. Is there actually an FAA law against "BASE Gear", or is it something about not having a second canopy? Would you have still talked to the FAA about it if he had a belly mount reserve on?

I know a balloon is technically an aircraft, but come on.
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If it wasn't a "BASE" rig, would you have had a problem with it?. It's a harness and a canopy. Is there actually an FAA law against "BASE Gear", or is it something about not having a second canopy? Would you have still talked to the FAA about it if he had a belly mount reserve on?

I know a balloon is technically an aircraft, but come on.

How about all the 50 jump skydivers who watch someone jumping BASE gear and thinking "thats easy"? What effect does that have on the people entering the sport? Thing long term!

BASE rigs should not be at skydiving events!

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Yes, there is a Federal Aviation Regulation that states that all intentional parachute jumping must be conductied using certified dual parachute harnesses and reserves. Further the reserve must have been repacked within the previous 120 days or 60 days if the reserve is a natual material like silk.

There is not a single TSO'd BASE harness with front chest rigs that I am aware of on the market.

A balloon pilot will suffer the same fines or revoked licence as a fixed or rotorary wing pilot of they have a FAR violation. In the FAA's eyes all flying machines are equal in terms of fining or removing licences.
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If it wasn't a "BASE" rig, would you have had a problem with it?. It's a harness and a canopy. Is there actually an FAA law against "BASE Gear", or is it something about not having a second canopy? Would you have still talked to the FAA about it if he had a belly mount reserve on?

There is a law.

If's it's not a TSO'd dual-parachute system, it's not legal to jump it from an aircraft.

Personally, I think putting the pilot in a position where they might have to deal with the FAA for a base jump is pretty selfish.[:/]

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the whole thing is about getting the FAA PERSON involved.

it's not the WHAT but the HOW it was done!!!!

it was in the morning. when the typical drunken skydiver is asleep anyway.how many people were going to be infleuenced any way. and the typical B.A.S.E.er always say's "150 jumps minimum and to do a FJC-- a the typical manufacturer wants proof of this and so does the B.A.S.E.er selling there used gear... so infleuencing the 50 jump skydiver is well not that easy...and again so what if it makes them want to do it.. when they have the jump numbers who cares who's want to do it... it all goes back to the jealously thing i'm convinced!!!!!!!
and ballons are very good practice for B.A.S.E. this goes on all the time.

i guess the
B.A.S.E. er and the skydiver will never agree.


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i guess the
B.A.S.E. er and the skydiver will never agree.


You're right, and it's what all the BASE jumpers seem to like to emphasize. BASE is BASE. Skydiving is skydiving. They are not the same sport.

So, don't fuck with MY chance to skydive by bringing BASE "rules" into a regulated sport.

Not a BASE jumper here, but I have to say that the BASE community is sounding like a bunch of whiny pussies right now. I know enough BASE jumpers to know that's not generally the case, but you sound like a bunch of petty children right now.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke
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the whole thing is about getting the FAA PERSON involved.

it's not the WHAT but the HOW it was done!!!!

it was in the morning. when the typical drunken skydiver is asleep anyway.how many people were going to be infleuenced any way. and the typical B.A.S.E.er always say's "150 jumps minimum and to do a FJC-- a the typical manufacturer wants proof of this and so does the B.A.S.E.er selling there used gear... so infleuencing the 50 jump skydiver is well not that easy...and again so what if it makes them want to do it.. when they have the jump numbers who cares who's want to do it... it all goes back to the jealously thing i'm convinced!!!!!!!
and ballons are very good practice for B.A.S.E. this goes on all the time.

i guess the
B.A.S.E. er and the skydiver will never agree.


Most of us actually have care for fellow human beings...... you have 46 BASE jumps from your profile? Remind me that should I ever meet you and have chance to make a BASE jump I should walk away from you..... I think your attitude to fellow parachutists and future jumpers sucks........ I am not trying to be arrogant, or up myself, but your attitude to "and again so what if it makes them want to do it.. when they have the jump numbers who cares who's want to do it." shows your true colours. I would never ever advise someone to BASE jump and would try and put them off............ if you BASE jump and say "who cares" then you should not base jump...........

EDIT TO ADD: You think I am a skydiver dont you?

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thanks, i always wanted to revisit my youth. ;)

Being a jumper who likes fixed objects, this matter to me isnt about the actual act of using a Single parachute system out of an aircraft. The issue to me is about the tattle telling of the jumper to the FAA. That is childish. plus he Missed the damn load anyways. Go to the jumper, go to the pilot, go to the S&TA, but for gods sake leave the FAA out of it!!


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thanks, i always wanted to revisit my youth. ;)

Being a jumper who likes fixed objects, this matter to me isnt about the actual act of using a Single parachute system out of an aircraft. The issue to me is about the tattle telling of the jumper to the FAA. That is childish. plus he Missed the damn load anyways. Go to the jumper, go to the pilot, go to the S&TA, but for gods sake leave the FAA out of it!!


even if you did not know if he was experienced or a low jump skydiver with a BASE rig who thought "its cool to go low and ok to go low"?

A statement of "Im getting pumped" would make me think "shit im with a twat here" so dont be too harsh on the skydiver who got nervous

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seriously, why did you point out that particular issue to the FAA rep?

I mean, you've been involved in the WFFC to know that at many time, by many people, many rules have been broken at that boogie through the years. And one has to be very selectively blind not to see it.

with all due respect, keep the base jumping and skydiving separate.

I know base jumping is illigal, I dont think it should be. but skydiving is leagal, and I for one would like it to stay that way.

if you want to base jump a ballon.. fine, wear a single harness duel parachute pack, and just before exit scream an emergency. that should keep things legal...

if you want to be illigal about it, keep it out of skydiving..

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Yuri, easy dude! The guy isn't in trouble.

That's a relief :S Just don't do it again!

If the pilot "seemed to be ok with it", and i know some who are :) this is a private matter between two consenting adults. You really had no business getting involved.



not to take sides, but it is his buisness.

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You're right, and it's what all the BASE jumpers seem to like to emphasize. BASE is BASE. Skydiving is skydiving. They are not the same sport.

So, don't fuck with MY chance to skydive by bringing BASE "rules" into a regulated sport.

Not a BASE jumper here, but I have to say that the BASE community is sounding like a bunch of whiny pussies right now. I know enough BASE jumpers to know that's not generally the case, but you sound like a bunch of petty children right now.


Why are the BASE jumpers worried about the FAA anyway? The FAA doesn't regulate BASE jumping.

I don't think most BASE jumpers would appreciate a skydiver showing up at one of their sites in the middle of the afternoon and jumping it with a skydiving rig, so why is it ok for a BASE jumper to show up to a skydiving event to try and make a BASE jump?

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even if you did not know if he was experienced or a low jump skydiver with a BASE rig who thought "its cool to go low and ok to go low"?

A statement of "Im getting pumped" would make me think "shit im with a twat here" so dont be too harsh on the skydiver who got nervous

just saying dont go run to the FAA when any number of other less government types were most likely available. Plus we dont know the jumpers history on this statement. maybe he was just trying to get a rise out of the skydiver, if so, success. But thats not my point.

would you go run to the FAA if jumpers you saw boarding an aircraft and then landed their parachutes in cloudy type conditions. most likely not.

plus there is only one very lopsided part of the story here. I am taking this with a grain of salt.

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Let's keep ratting each other out.

No wonder why we have the lowest retention rate than any other sport.

And by the way, jumping BASE rigs off balloons has been the norm for many years.

Also, I bet all the money you want that your actions were not driven by safety :S
Memento Audere Semper


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in a skydiving environment where dual parachute systems are a must, why would you try and jump a simple single parachute system?

Because ground rush is fun and BASE equipment is a safer match for a planned opening no higher than 1000 feet than the typical skydiving rig (whether than main or reserve container + canopy are being used).

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you have 46 BASE jumps from your profile?

I Have "0" base jumps.

I have 20 or so friends who are base jumpers.

does that change anything...

I think we all agree, keeping the FAA out of things is a good idea.

gary happened to know this FAA person, and asked them to talk to this"kid" and maybe give him a scare.

maybe he was wrong maybe he wasn't.

but we all agree that jumping a baloon at a skydiving boogie, "with the FAA" present with a "base rig" is stupid.

not for safety reasons, but for many other "PR' type reasons.

it is clear gary has good "PR" with this FAA rep. and im sure it is still good, if not even better.:)

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.. the best thing you should of done is just have gone up to the guy and warn him yourself before you got the LAW after him.

You are cracking me up man!

The personal attacks are so good that I hope the moderators leave them in, because I'm having a good time with them. :)

I asked the FAA rep for her help simply because she was there and available in a timely manner. It could have been another skydiver, the S&TA, etc.

It wasn't a "law" thing, the jump never happened.

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in a skydiving environment where dual parachute systems are a must, why would you try and jump a simple single parachute system?

Because ground rush is fun and BASE equipment is a safer match for a planned opening no higher than 1000 feet than the typical skydiving rig (whether than main or reserve container + canopy are being used).

Are you taking the piss outta me?


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Also, I bet all the money you want that your actions were not driven by safety

You are correct! I don't want skydiving, the WFFC, or balloons at the WFFC placed in jepardy.

Actually I didn't mention safety in my original post other than my signature line. I guess I need to turn that off for some posts, or change it to "it's about safety and the future of our sport"

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