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Cool Skydiving Exits

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Hey Skydivers!

I am trying to gather a top 5 or 10 coolest skydiving exits. In my list for the moment:
- Mr Bill
- Gorilla
- Rodeo
- Cartwheel (3 peeps)
- Little Train

Do you have other in minds that you have tried? I might need some examples/explanation of how to setup in the door as well.

Let me know what you got!

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None of those are even close to being the coolest exits. Those are mostly exits that new jumpers try because they can't yet do the difficult stable formation exits. But I'm glad you are having fun learning about things. I'm assuming you have access to large aircraft. Ask about doing a tube. (Basically two side by side wagon wheels with grips across them)

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Some odds & ends:

Bat hang from C-182 leading edge

Climbing on top of fuselage of large aircraft (...better be good friends with the DZO if you ever want to jump there again...)

Fake fight in back of turbine plane in view of tandem students; get pushed out by your buddy.

High speed jump run with a wingsuit on (watch the tail though...)

Any exit, blindfolded

I liked putting hands down on C-182 step (or just in Caravan doorway) and front rolling out

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You can do a 3 way tube. Otter, one person sitting on the edge of the door (legs hanging out) laying back. One person standing over their head, person on the floor reaches up and grabs leg straps. Third person in front of the second, right at the edge of the door. second person reaches forward and grabs third's leg straps, third reaches down and grabs legstraps of first (one on floor). Basically, you have a loop of three jumpers, each holding onto the leg straps of the next.


Magic carpet out of a Skyvan.

Hanging from the bar under the back of a Skyvan. Hang facing upwards, let the rest of the load go out over top of you. Needs to be known on the rest of the load what you are planning on doing.

Anything bigger than 6 linked that doesn't funnel or otherwise fall apart.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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It's almost cheating, to include tailgate Skyvans. :P That just makes all sorts of silliness possible...

Yeah, well...

It's silliness, but really cool silliness.
"There are NO situations which do not call for a French Maid outfit." Lucky McSwervy

"~ya don't GET old by being weak & stupid!" - Airtwardo

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I think I'm remembering this right, it's been awhile. I'd face out and the other jumper would face in as well as we could in the door of the 182. I'd reach down and take their leg and they'd take mine. Then we'd launch an accordion. It went even better out of the beech and made for a nice base, fast falling if you tucked up and plenty of grips on a no-slot dive.

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John put a bar down the center of the top of his beech and we'd do James Bond exits. Once I was hanging off the side opposite the door and on exit I let go, slid backwards, then slid forward coming in sixth. Well, you had to be there, it's the way it just slid together. And then there was the time I was inside in the lineup when, through the window, we saw a flash of red on that other side and we knew it was Neil falling off. The count instantly became GO!.
Those were some good times, but long ago and far away.

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Leaving 44th out of a DC3

Beats my 41! I only had 79 jumps at the 1983 Freak Brothers Convention. I exited last and solo only to see 4 10 ways in progress below me and directly between me and the DZ. I turned slightly right and tracked my ass off down the runway until pull time. Fun!
I'm back in the USA!!

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Here are two I have been involved in.

1. out of an otter. 2 people sit down on the floor in the door,one facing the tail,one facing the pilot. Stay close,jumper 1 puts his legs over the top of jumper 2's thighs and puts his/her feet into jumper 2's arm pit.jumper 2 has his legs UNDER jumper 1, puts his feet into jumper 1's arm pit also. Jumper 1 grabs jumper 2's ankles and pulls them up into arm pit. Jumper 2 grabs jumper 1's main lift webbing. Use a head count and barrel role out side ways. Once out and off the hill jumper 2 releases jumper 1's main lift and grabs jumper 1's ankles and let the fun begin.

2. An 11 way chunk out of an otter, not once, not twice, but 3 times in a row in one day, and all were successful. It was with a really experienced group, hand picked for a special day of jumping for Melanie Curtis birthday. It was 5 outside, 4 inside, 2 in back row. By the last one every one was tired,especially myself and the other jumper(Ryan simpson) who were the 2 in the very back row. It got really steep and I got a cramp from arching so hard for so long, it seemed like for ever before it settled down. The whole week end is on video including the 3 11 way chunks.

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Snake, scuba, and hotdog exits were my most fun, second only to the "dolphin" exit I accidentally came up with when someone told me to "leave the plane in a track." In my young mind, tracking is what you do to leave a formation, because I didn't know what a track dive was. Exiting the plane pinned out and unstable made me look sort of like a dolphin flopping around in the water.

Eventually we got a bunch of us doing these, and the "pod" exit was born.
I'm not a lady, I'm a skydiver.

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On 4/6/2018 at 8:17 PM, wolfriverjoe said:

You can do a 3 way tube. Otter, one person sitting on the edge of the door (legs hanging out) laying back. One person standing over their head, person on the floor reaches up and grabs leg straps. Third person in front of the second, right at the edge of the door. second person reaches forward and grabs third's leg straps, third reaches down and grabs legstraps of first (one on floor). Basically, you have a loop of three jumpers, each holding onto the leg straps of the next.

Any ideas on how to do this on C-182 (and not break yourself or end up hanging from the step)? :)

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55 minutes ago, wolfriverjoe said:

No. Never seen it attempted, and I've seen some goofy stuff done out of a 182.

That sounds like what we call a wagon wheel. If it is, it's fairly easy to launch a 3 way from a 182. A four way is quite a bit harder, but has been done. It starts with one person sitting on the step facing the tail. I guess not all 182s have a big enough step to make it work. The other two straddle the legs of the sitter.

Edited by gowlerk

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20-way out of a Skyvan. Everyone jammed close to the ramp. As we started the exit count, the airplane shuddered and fell off to one side.

The formation flew great, but the pilot landed white as a glacier! He explained that the Skyvan stalled then spun one and a half turns before he recovered control.

That was the last time anyone jammed an entire 20-way on a Skyvan.


The only thing worse is dirt-diving a 20-way from a Skyvan. I have seen two Skyvans bend their tails during that foolishness. Now do you understand why many Skyvans have that extra rail under the ramp?

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