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  1. John Kallend who is a university professor (maybe retired now) has a parachuting simulator that I think he used for Physics? He is on here, not sure anymore of his screenname but his name is John Kallend. You may want to look him up. Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires." Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
  2. That is a really good radiation sheet thank you. It helps to understand the whole seivert, micro-seivert... But what about dispersion and location and distance? Is it true that the further radiation travels the less impact it has? The sun can still burn you even from far away and with clouds. Distance doesn't seem to matter, just sunscreen. Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires." Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
  3. Duh, now don't I feel stupid! It looks different than I remembered it. Thanks! Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires." Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
  4. So its only been 15 years since I ordered my last TonySuit and I thought they had a color coordinator to pick your PitSuit colors. I went to their website and it was just the form to fill out for measurements. Don't they know a girl has to see how it looks in color before ordering? Anyone know of a link or something? Thanks and blue skies! Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires." Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
  5. My fiance packed his pilot chute the Brian Germain way. The bridle wrapped a perfect knot around the monkey fist which prevented the pilot chute from inflating enough to pull the main off his back. Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires." Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
  6. Since our gobment isn't going to tell us the truth, who is a good source of info??? Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires." Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
  7. check out this website: Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires." Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
  8. After a grim conversation with two neighbors about our exposure to the several radioactive isotopes especially on the central/southern California coast in addition to Washington state and a measuring device in Tucson AZ, I am wondering if anyone has the inside scoop on this. My neighbors who are two highly educated people think that this radioactivity may be what wipes out most of humanity and that within 5 years many of us will be sick, dead or dying of cancer. There is a lot about it on the Internet, I have tried to make sense of EPAs graphical data, ironically one of the measuring sites is in my hometown of Anaheim, CA. I have done a lot of reading and research and people who have bought the Geiger counters are measuring large increases in radioactive aerosols in their atmosphere as far east as Maryland just recently. I know we aren't able to trust what our government tells us. They could care less about the "little people". Please respond by posting educated, factual data. Is this the end of the world as we know it??? Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires." Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
  9. I so appreciate you and Dave taking the time to respond to this thread. I was taught cutaway and pull reserve as a student. For years I taught cutaway and pull reserve as an AFF I. After a 5-6 year break and returning to the sport, I sat down and thought to myself as I noticed the demo canopy in my sport rig is a little snug on the main pin... Self, what Are you going to do in a PC in tow? So many scenarios went through my head and I started questioning which way was "right". I was never retrained to incorporate all of the scenarios and if I was I had since forgotten because I couldn't answer my own question with conviction. I like knowing my EPs with conviction for every mal before every jump. Although I still feel like a student at times being back after many years, I do still have close to 1500 jumps of past experience and although I don't agree that skydiving is like riding a bike, it does take time to rehone your skills, I do like the fact that I got some valuable feedback to help me answer that question and have better understanding after bouncing the question. Thank you. Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires." Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
  10. So you would cutaway first??? Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires." Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
  11. The reason I made this post is because I got into a debate with Kurbe105 about our twin otter crash. Forgive him, he is a BASE jumper who does static line himself to shit from 80-120 feet. In our discussion, he mentioned that our friends would have had a better chance of survival by going silver in the door than waiting for the airplane to crash. Whoever asked the cute question when the last time my belly was calibrated??? When you are sitting next to the window, see the engine on fire after hearing it explode and shut down it doesn't take a rocket scientist to know there is a problem. Regardless of whether you agree with his EPs or questioning of them in this situation, he is right about the fact that you never know what would happen in a situation like that or how you would react. At least 3 experienced jumpers on board knew exactly what was happening, how high they were and that the plane was going to crash. I argued with Kurbe105 that there would be no way for the reserve to fully inflate and you would hit the ground before line stretch if you made it past the tail. Here was the thing that stuck though... The reserve generally takes about 3 seconds to open. The point of my post was to question, if you could clear the tail from impact, what would the chances be of surviving with something over your head before you hit the ground? I was trained not to do that with aircraft EPs. If I was on the plane I am sure I would have wound up just like my friends following protocol. That is not the point of this post to point that out nor am not saying this is what I would do so bashers please keep bashing to yourselves. However, my friends are no longer here and I cannot help but listen to other thoughts of other possibilities for the eventual outcome. I more or less was hoping to get an answer on what the odds of survivability would be if an experienced jumper did pull silver in the door. I am not suggesting anyone "try this at home". Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires." Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
  12. You are at 120 ft AGL. One of the engines of your twin otter is on fire and has shut down. Your belly tells you the plane is going down and the door is wide open. What do you do? PS. Your pilot is not communicating with you because he is busy flying the plane. Here is a scenario, what if you stuck your butt out the door, grabbed your reserve handle and pulled? What do you think the outcome would be? Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires." Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."
  13. Who can recommend a great DZ to refer a friend to near Santa Clarita, CA? It has been many years since I lived in LA county and when I was a jumper there back in '96 I jumped at Cal City and Taft (Air Adventures West). Not sure about the scene there now and a friend of mine has asked me to recommend a DZ near her. Any suggestions??? Roy Bacon: "Elvises, light your fires." Sting: "Be yourself no matter what they say."