On my 75th jump this weekend, I pitched at 4K. I was jumping a Sabre II and am used to an 800' to 1000' snivel. When I opened and looked at the alti, it read 3K, no problems. I looked up and noticed my bridal underneath my canopy with the pilot chute sitting at the nose of the canopy on top. The pilot chute then did what it's supposed to and inflated with air. This caused a small bow tie appearance to my main canopy. All of a sudden, my cells depressurized and I went into a stall for maybe :02. After that, the cells re-inflated for about :05. 2,600' now. My cells then depressurized again and took me into a very hard downward left spiral. I tried to correct with a mix of right toggle as well as right rear riser with virtually no input. I looked down and was at 2,200' and so I chopped. I'm curious, did I do everything I could do? Was there an alternative to having to cut away? Thank you in advance.