
United we fall

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Back when I was a wuffo there was a book circulating my home DZ. "United we fall", I always wanted to get a copy but never did but now have it. Wish I would have purchased it back then, like most of the jumpers I knew was on a tight budget. Anyway, I'm wondering if this is still recommended reading? I find this thing to be full of great tips and advise and would be ideal for beginner RWs. That's my two cents.

Oh, and it's great history for the younguns out there.


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Ah, United We Fall, by the late, great Pat Works. I still have my well-worn copy. Back in the day, even before my time, he used to put out a newsletter called the RWunderground, and I believe UWF is an anthology from that. How recently and where did you find it? He also had another great book, The Art of Freefall Relative Work. I lost my copy of that many years ago when I gave it to an up-and-coming student and never got it back. Hopefully they did the same. I, for one, would absolutely still recommend these timeless works for anyone interested in skydiving and it's history.

Perhaps someone could convince Jan to re-issue them.

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I have a copy of The Art of Freefall Relative Work, but not of United We Fall... Pat Works is always a good read.

The content is not about "modern" skydiving, but gives you so much of the history of RW and the Tao of Skydiving. I find his texts very enriching.

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I always liked this one...


The Gear Scaries.

Sometimes my gear scares me
It's a long way up
To be hanging from strings and rags
So I think really hard
And figure it all out again
And everything goes fine
For a while
And then I go do something
Scary again
Like watch someone open
Do I really believe that?
I better
Because it's my turn now
I just keep going through the process
Because I started when I was too
Young to know any better
And now I can't stop.

Skratch Garrison ,

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