
D License

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for an current  C license holder who meets all the requierment of getting D license ( +500 loged jump - loged intentional water landing - landed within seven feet of the target center on 50 jumps  and ..........) is it necessary to phisically attend in DZ for getting his/her D license ?

Or is there any possibility to provide all Docs. including filled license exam to any Instructor Examiner online ?



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8 hours ago, dreaming13000 said:

Could you elaborate on the safety seminar? I have not seen that on the uspa D license requirements?

that is not a requirement of the d license, here is the link to the sim, look on section 3-1 E 4 of the online version to verify.  you can also download the sim at that link.   it is a requirement for keeping an instructor rating if i recall from my coach course.

Edited by sfzombie13

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