
Wingsuit landing next month?

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I under stand what you're all saying.
We don't normally crash land into some sort of pillow, cushion, or airbag.
That's just what this seems to me.

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xYlil2qIhpA ;)

IF you (not so much YOU, Twardo)have ever seen the "right way" to land on an acc tuffet, you would definitely understand the "CRASH LANDING" idea.

I'm not personally attached to any of the players trying to land the wing suit. I met Jeb at Perris in October while he ws practicing of the china dive. He seems like a very cool down to earth guy, who just could not stand still.

But, if ANYONE lands a wingsuit, I hope it is done properly and safely enough to walk away from. As an jumper and wingsuiter. I am both excited and scared for anyone who tries.

I hope is that they don't end up being a "pioneer." That's what they call dead people in our sport years after they tried and failed.
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I don't get how this is "landing".
It's a stunt from a decent altitude into cardboard boxes.
IMO, that ain't landing.

In both case they are planning to use some kind of structure for decelerating the wingsuiter to a survivable speed. Whether it is a ramp or a rig of boxes - it does not matter much. In my view, both cases could be considered as landing. How do you define landing - flapping wings couple times and landing on a branch of a tree?

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I don't get how this is "landing".
It's a stunt from a decent altitude into cardboard boxes.
IMO, that ain't landing.

In both case they are planning to use some kind of structure for decelerating the wingsuiter to a survivable speed. Whether it is a ramp or a rig of boxes - it does not matter much. In my view, both cases could be considered as landing. How do you define landing - flapping wings couple times and landing on a branch of a tree?

I always wondered if that guy scooting the ski slope couldn't have touched down and walked away.

Yeah you would have to be really certain the surface was smooth and maybe a neck brace of some kind...but THAT almost seemed do-able.

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Bottom line if it is repeatble it is a landing with a landing area (no different to a jet) if not, it is a crash (kind of like table mountain B| )

A lot of pilots call a good landing simply a "controlled crash". ;)

on aircraft carriers especially
You stop breathing for a few minutes and everyone jumps to conclusions.

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What about the British guy during WWII that bailed out of his Lancaster bomber without a rig and lived to tell the tale? Doesn't he get Chuteless Landing #1?

Devils advocate: should Gary and/or Jeb make their jump without a rig? The lower exit weight would actually increase their odds of survival...

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"Landing" on a slope is done all the time by ski jumpers. Meh.

"Landing" on a crash pad or pile of boxes doesn't fit my idea of what a landing is.

Landing on a branch of a tree is for the birds.

IMO, a real landing involves a controlled termination of the jump on a horizontal land surface, without injury.

Will it be done next month? Probably it will always be "next month".

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Personal opinion is that I'd allow landing on a slope or crash pad or giant lemon meringue pie as a "landing". Flying into a giant vertical net, maybe less of a "landing" although it would still be a feat.

Beyond that, it would be another big step to land on a horizontal, non-shock absorbing surface. That would be a much higher level of landing ability.

Celebrating the first as a big achievement doesn't mean one can't later celebrate the second as an even bigger achievement.

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Article and photos attached.

That was in Sunday's papers. Sunday, first day of April ...

No, no, he has been talking about it for few monthis, and on April 2nd he wrote on his FB that the boxes are being delivered and that he needs help to build the landing strip this coming Friday. Also, a big company is sponsoring him.

Sounds real to me!

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an other thing came to my mind: How about the legal aspects of the jump? I don't know the UK local laws but as far as I know you may not drop heavy objects (includes persons) without parachutes in any ICAO country.

If he exits with a parachute and does not pull - wouldn't that call for the BPA to complain?

In my eyes the speeds quoted are just not realistic and even if they were you still have to hit the boxes (with the expected low speeds he has a window of unter 2 sec. to hit) and if you hit it - 50mph forward is fast and the wrong direction for the card-box concept...

To be honest: I deeply hope this is just a big hoax! [:/]

For every complex problem there is an answer that is clear, simple, and wrong.

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an other thing came to my mind: How about the legal aspects of the jump? I don't know the UK local laws but as far as I know you may not drop heavy objects (includes persons) without parachutes in any ICAO country.

If he exits with a parachute and does not pull - wouldn't that call for the BPA to complain?

It is my understanding that he has or will get an exemption from the CAA to undertake the stunt, so it is nothing to do with the BPA, practically at least.
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