
...move along...nothing to see here

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Surely JP you jest!

I do not. I simply was pointing out that the fist part and last part in your message seemed to be in conflict.

Again what is wrong with Missy asking for public suport even if she beleved it would not affect the outcome? The USPA can say no.


If you wanna say something additional to me you are more than welcome, since you seem to take umbridge to most anything I have to say.

I have, and I don't take exception to everything you specificaly have to say. You're taking this personal and it isn't.

Anything else I might have to say is not for public consumption.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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Im sorry Betsy, but this is very unsportsmen like of you, this could have been sent via PM....

And sorry I have to agree with JP...if you truly wished her good luck you would not have posted this but instead helped....

Go team >:(
She is not a "Dumb Blonde" - She is a "Light-Haired Detour Off The Information Superhighway."
TF#72, FB#4130, Incauto

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Missy and I have had conversations and it has nothing to do with sportsmanship.
It has to do with the rules period.
I have had conversations on her behalf so please don't go casting stones where there shouldnt be any.
Missy knows how I feel about her, and she also knows what was said at Nationals.

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Missy and I have had conversations and it has nothing to do with sportsmanship.
It has to do with the rules period.
I have had conversations on her behalf so please don't go casting stones where there shouldnt be any.
Missy knows how I feel about her, and she also knows what was said at Nationals.

If I appear to be casting stones it is only because I am operating with the information avaliable.

If you so desire, enlighten us as to the situation. If it is not in your interest, or would not be wise for you to do so it will have to be left at that.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I can't tell you how odd it looks for you to be telling someone that they're not allowed to post something that clearly does not break any rule of dz.com

The request looked perfectly fair from where I sit.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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I can't tell you how odd it looks for you to be telling someone that they're not allowed to post something that clearly does not break any rule of dz.com

The request looked perfectly fair from where I sit.


I have to agree... public forum, not in violation of any rules I don't think. Maybe it won't work out for her, but that doesn't mean she can't post on here for support. I don't think Sangiro would mind, but then, I really wouldn't know.


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I didn't see Missy's original post, but I inquired a fellow DZ.commer about it after reading this thread. Maybe people need to stop jumping to conclusions with each other's posts. It is rude to try to cause a problem between Missy and Betsey where there may be none. I know that they posted their thoughts on this forum, so everyone thinks that it is not inappropriate to throw in personal comments to them. I think that we should all try to calm down before insinuating anything about anyone. We cannot read their minds. We should just let the two of them work things out between themselves.

Anyhoo, Betsey is the bomb and so is Missy. Period.

Keep the peace, everyone.

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I didn't see anythign wrong either. For lack of a better comparison, it was the same as anyone asking for support or *ugh i can't believe I'm saying this* "Vibes." Exception being taht this is actually skydiving related and not about someone's second cousin's third dog's owners ceiling fan breaking. :)

Slightly exaggerated, but you get my idea.


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I didn't see anythign wrong either. For lack of a better comparison, it was the same as anyone asking for support or *ugh i can't believe I'm saying this* "Vibes." Exception being taht this is actually skydiving related and not about someone's second cousin's third dog's owners ceiling fan breaking.

Slightly exaggerated, but you get my idea.


I whole heartedly agree.I didn't think Missy's post was in any way inappropriate for this site or this forum. I'm sure the appointed moderators of this site/forum would have taken appropriate action had it been inappropriate.If they had no objections then why should others take it upon themselves to decided what is and is not appropriate? (rehetorical question) She only sought support from her community and from the replies here I believe she has it.:)

I wish Missy all the support she was seeking and applaud her for her endeavors.:)

"...just an earthbound misfit, I."

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I didn't see anythign wrong either. For lack of a better comparison, it was the same as anyone asking for support or *ugh i can't believe I'm saying this* "Vibes." Exception being taht this is actually skydiving related and not about someone's second cousin's third dog's owners ceiling fan breaking. :)

Eggsactly! I, too, thought it was out of line to call Missy on it like she did, and it smacked of authoritarianism.>:(

Missy, you've got my support!
Sky, Muff Bro, Rodriguez Bro, and
Bastion of Purity and Innocence!™

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Any chance this could lead to a cat fight or a one on one skydiving competition? If either is possible, I say we split up, take sides, and let em go at it! :P


We'll need video Deuce you up for it;)
Dave can host the end result:)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Thankfully most everyone seems to feel the same way about allowing Dos Gatos to compete in the World Meet. I honestly can't see why any competitors would not want them to be allowed into the games. 2 of this years' national medallists will be going to Brazil, and the open slot has been declined by the 2 alternates. That leaves 1 slot open for the US freestyle team. Why shortchange the US delegation by not sending a team as good as Dos Gatos in their stead? I don't know about other competitors, but when my team shows up in Brazil... I want the best to be there. I want to know how we stack up against the best in the world, even if that means we don't medal. I don't want to claim a medal with the thought that we didn't beat the best, who would?

As someone said here, this is a USPA issue. We can either support Missy and Bill, or we can not support them. In the best interest of the sport, I'm giving them all the support I can give. Stay tuned... more on this in the AM.
Oh, hello again!

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